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  1. Thanks. You gave me the exact information I need to proceed. In addition to other things, I have gotten lazy at this stage of my life and although I saw the liners and should have removed them, I didn't.
  2. I'm trying to replace the driver's side "parking light" (type 168) on my daughters 99 RX300 and I am having a tough time finding out how to remove the assembly. The two front fasteners are obvious but there must be some others (How many?, Where?) holding it on. There is no way to replace this lamp without removing the assembly unless I carve a sizeable hole in the right front fender. I found a rather vague attempt to help a fellow forum member (April 2008) that was not helpful as I am now an old buzzard and need more detailed instructions. Sorry to bother you with such a minor problem but please help. Thx.
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