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Posts posted by antual

  1. A similar situation happened to me but i had the keyless entry key and i lost it so i could open the car so i decided to look in my city for a locksmith and everybody charge me like $300 dollars and up so one day i decided to call the 800 nuber of lexus which is 1-800-25LEXUS(1800-255-3987) and then there i told them my problem and they transfer me to the nearest lexus dealer and then i have to send by fax a proof of ownership which consisted of the certificate of title and a a copy of the I.D. or license driver from the owner of the car and then you just have to paid a significant amount i paid less than $90 dollars its still sxpensive but it fit very well and i haven't have any problems with it. It opens the front doors, the trunk, the glovebox, and the unlocks the trunk from the inside it is a better way i think because u don't risk to damage the car....hope it may helps!!!!

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