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Posts posted by Whitten

  1. I beleive you are right. Lexstream, and Planet Soarer seem to be two sites where I can get any and all info about this little project answered. I was just so amazed when I was told that the SC-400 is not a desireable car to mod, that is like telling me that a Supra is is not capable of more than 300 hp, or that an 03 Cobra is a slow peice of junk. That is why I had to come to the people who know the answers, and here I am. Anyway, I imagine that if I really needed a new set soon i could get comp to make me some custom ones, or better yet my buddy works for a world renowned engine builder and I am sure they could work something out on the CNC mil. My biggest concern with this project is going to be the computer, so until I see some auto tap programs, or edit programs for a laptop I guess going to a stand alone is going to be the only option.

  2. I have been listening to dull roars on other boards about how awesome the Supra is. I have been around the 2JZ engines quite a bit, and realize that they have been doing conversions on the SC 300's, but what about the black sheep SC 400?

    I happen to love the idea of having a high hp v8 import. In fact I like the idea so much that I am considering buying one to see what it is made of, but so far I have run into nothing but hang ups.....alot of them.

    1st: No manual, not a big deal just swap in a Getrag 6-speed and move on, or is it?

    2nd no mods?

    When I ask if there are any mods out there, all I seem to get is a half cocked response like....you really ought to just put the Supra Motor in it. Well I am not one to conform, and this just doens't suit me. I know that little 4.0 has alot of potential, and it makes me wonder why no one else sees it? Are there any ways to chip or tune the PCM? Is there headers? How about stuff like new cams or possibly forced induction? I am not familiar with the engine block, but I would wager it isn't that much different than that of the 4.3 liter in the 430. Also makes me wonder if anyone has ever done a stroker kit, or maybe upped the compression, ported and polished the heads, or bored out the walls to raise the displacement. I just can't believe there isn't more out there, but then again this is a Lexus not a Mustang or a Camaro that we are talking about. I guess the demand for products like that just isn't there.

    So what do ya'll think? Am I missing some oasis of SC 400 knowledge or have I found the pinical?

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