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Posts posted by johnch

  1. Good point: you won't be spotting a dime on the ground back there, but you will definitely see a lil kid on a big-wheel.

    Sure, if used properly it promotes safety.

    I do have to wonder though how many people have been hit by cross-traffic when looking at their monitor in lieu of left, right and over their shoulder as we all learned in drivers ed.


  2. I've noticed with my 2008/IS350 that if I keep a tight grip on the sterring wheel in windy conditions it may "feel" like I'm fighting it. Correcting, over-correcting, correcting, etc. I've found a light grip and not worrying too much about the wind seems to work better. I don't know if that makes sense to anyone else. Of course that doesn't mean that will help the OP who may have a legetimate mechanical problem.


  3. Jeez. I get nervous just driving by Jiffy Lube in my IS350!

    I figure I paid a premium price for a car (compared to the Pontiacs I used to drive) so I'll follow through and pay a premium price for service at the Lexus dealership. Not a bad place to hang out while waiting for an oil change. The car has been so trouble free I don't get to go there much though.


  4. Hi,

    My wife bought me a 2008 Lexus IS 350 last week for my 50th birthday. I could have rejected it but decided, what the heck, and traded in my 2004 Pontiac GTO to help finance the deal. I couldn't be happier with her research and deciding on this car. Much more refined and comfortable than the GTO and nearly as quick. I will miss the sound and V8 power of the GTO but I won't miss the mediocre quality of the Pontiac dealers service department and never plan to look back. Good luck GM; you'll need it.


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