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Posts posted by FemiBoanerges

  1. While driving, vibration starts suddenly and gradually but within 2-3 seconds reaches maximum. There is no associated noise and no abnormal smells. The vibration feels exactly like having a completely flat tyre. As a matter of fact, the first time it happened, I pulled up to check for a tyre blow out. Bringing the car to a stop (no need to switch off the engine) cures the problem completely. Subsequently, the car drives smooth and beautifully until this strange symptom strikes again - usually weeks or months before it happens again. There was a string on this subject in 2004 but with no clear conclusion or solution (e.g. ebrake, front axle bushings etc). Attempting to drive faster when the vibration occurs makes the vibration worse. All four tyres checked and okay. No overheated tyres when driving.

    This may not be related, but every time that the vibration occurred I had just joined a main highway from a slip road.

    Has anyone had a similar experience and found a definitive solution.

    Many thanks


  2. Does anyone here have a same problem as I do? For the past month I have been experiencing weird thing from my ls400 95'. While driving in the city suddenly the front end of the car vibrating so much seems like one of the front of the tire got flat, but there was nothing wrong with the front tires. When this vibration was happening, I noticed I let off my foot off the gas pedal and apply back on but the vibration does not go away until at the stop sign. After that, the car is back like normal.

    My sister just recently told me the same symtom last week when she was on the free way. She had to pull over and check for tires, but there were nothing with the tires. Everything was fine!


    Hi Chubyball

    I have exactly the same problem with my 2000 LS400. The vibration occurs sporadically. There is no noise. Trying to drive faster makes the shaking worse. Stopping the car and restarting solves the problem. DID YOU FINALLY SOLVE THE PROBLEM? WHAT WAS THE CAUSE? WHAT WAS THE SOLUTION? I look forward to hearing from you.

    Many thanks

    Femi :(

  3. ROM means Read Only Memory. It means it cannot be programmed with a newer remote, hence Read Only. As for replacing the key, the car you bought has the remote built into the KEY (a single button behind the Lexus symbol). When you purchase this key (from a dealer), he is saying that you also recieve a chip that you (or the dealer) would install into the car. This allows the car to "talk" to the remote. As it stands now, the car only knows how to "talk" to one remote, the one that you do not have. This would be the one that came with the car when purchased. Newer cars (such as ones purchased in 1996) have newer technology. This newer technology allows one to program a replacement remote without replacing the chip that allows the car to talk to the remote. This type of programmable technology is called EPROM which stands for Erasable, Programmable, Read Only Memory. In short, you can change the way the car talks to the remote with this type of technology whereas with plain ROM memory the only way to change the remote is to change the chip (that tells the car which code to listen for). BTW, memory is the medium with which any computer stores information. Sorry so long winded, but you requested clarification. I hope that I have done this as I have done the best I can as I am not a writer. I see numbers better as I am a Mathematics Major.

    I do know one other thing, I was able to reprogram my keyless entry on my car. It is a 1996 SC400. I will post the steps that I used successfully in PDF format.

    Here's the PDF. This worked for me.

    For a mathematician, you write very well. Thank you for clarifying this matter. I have just bought a 1991 LS400. I noticed that the key and the car do not 'talk' i.e. no central locking function. Do you know the procedure to get the car and the master key talking again? I have put a new battery in the master key.


  4. I believe I have things fixed.

    When I was properly motivated this weekend to crawl under the car go over the wiring with a fine tooth comb I came across what I believe is the root of the problem.

    There are two wires that come from the compressor pulley area that hug the case of the compressor as they make their way around.

    I found a rip (or burn)? in outer insulation sleeving that I believe was shorting one of these wires to the compressor itself.

    Upon pulling the wire back from the casing the problem with the A/C light blinking seems to have went away and the system seems to function.

    I believe the system may be low on refrigerant which is the sight glass bubbles.

    It is cool enough though for now.

    I will keep everyone informed incase something changes.

    I have just bought a 1991 LS400 and have exactly the same problem that you had i.e. intermittently blinking aircon lights then the lights would stay on and the system would work perfectly but might cut out after one hour and come back on again. There is no rhythm or pattern to it. I opened the bonnet today and had a quick look to find the compressor. There are two short wires coming from the compressor that lie on its casing. Are these the wires that you pulled back from the casing? I will give mine a try. Have you had any further problems since that time?


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