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  1. Hello, I'm perplexed by a problem I'm having with my bluetooth cell phones and the Lexus phone integration. I have successfully sync'd my blackberry curve and moto RAZR phones to the car, I can even transfer some or all (my choice) of my phone book entries to the car. However I'm stunned by what appears to be a lack of features once my phone is connected; It appears that the only voice recognition that is available is by manually recording a voice tag with each entry -once it has been transferred to the car. This is problematic given that I have over 800 numbers stored on my BB -and a smaller subset (400) stored on my RAZR. Manually programming each entry would take years. Does lexus not have the ability to parse human voice (like the Microsoft Sync on Lincoln or VoiceSignal technology on BB's)? It's odd that most modern cell phones have this capability and a $90k luxury vehicle doesnt? Am I missing something? My work-around would have been to bluetooth connect my phone to the car and use the phone's voice dial functionality to dial the number, then allow the car to broadcast the audio -but that doesnt seem to work with either the razr or bb. Once the bluetooth is connected, neither phone will accept a command to dial a number -my guess is that it's expecting that sort of command to come from the bluetooth device (i.e. a headset's button, etc..). I'm wondering if I'm overlooking something in the setup? With laws in place that prohibit holding the phone while driving I have no way to leverage the integrated phone features of the lexus w/o manually tagging all of my phonebook entries! So now I drive around with an ear-bud at the ready for any calls I need to place and can only use the lexus bluetooth for incoming calls. Any help or prospect of a software upgrade that would fix this?
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