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Posts posted by Nellie

  1. I have come to actually enjoy my car. It just took me so long to get used to it after coming out of my BMW 325i. I now have owned my is250 since August and have 11,000 miles on it. Yes, I'm a mileage hog.

    Anyways, anyone notice a popping noise coming out of their dash? It can be so loud that I think a rock is hitting my windshield. I've asked my tech about it, and don't really want to attempt to get into the dash for fear of it not getting put back together correctly........

    Hi there,

    I've had this problem with my IS 250 since I got it in 06'. My Lexus dealer in Canada has replaced the dash at least three times, and have acknowledged that it is a problem with the plastic pins which secure the underside of the dashboard to the base. Apparently, they have some new bulletin (at the beginning of Jan 09) from Lexus about the problem and will be supplying new "pin" replacements to fix the issue. This could be a load of (()&(&^* for all I know, but they were quite adamant that the problem will be remedied with these pins.

    On another note, one thing you should also look out for which Lexus has also acknowleded to me are the rims on your car. My carwash guy noticed about 3 months ago that all the wheels were corroding beneath the paint, and had bubbles of corrosion everywhere. I took it to Lexus and they did admit they had a bulletin on that too. They resurfaced and repainted all four wheels.

    I hope this helps.

  2. Hi,

    Was wondering if anyone has experience oil leaks with their Lexus IS 250 (I have the 06')?

    Approximately one year after I got the car, I pulled out of my newly laid interlocking driveway to see an enormous amount of oil all over the driveway. I took photos, then took the car to Lexus. They acknowledged it was a defective valve on the rear wheel axel??(whatever). They fixed it and everything was fine. Just last Sunday, I noticed that once again, an enormous amount of oil was in the middle of the driveway and all along the right side of the car from the wheel to just past the underside of the front passenger door. I looked under the car and there was oil everywhere. I took it to the dealer the next morning, they hoisted the car, but didn't let me come back to look. It took about 1/2 hour, but then they pulled me into the bay and showed me that the underside of the car was as clean as a whistle, and told me that I have driven through a large puddle of oil. I don't think so!!

    If anyone has had similar oil leak issues, I would be grateful for you comments.

    Many thanks,

  3. Usually after I drove my IS250(07) for 10-15 min, i seem to hear some cracking and clicking noise coming from the central console area whenever i drove pass a "little bumpy" road. Wierd thing is that it didn't happen everytime... sometime it happened and sometime it didn't.

    it seemed to becom better when I put some pressure and press on the control panel area, and it had never happen within the first 10 minutes of driving...but once it sounded, it never went away until i turned off my car and drove the other day...

    Does anyone else experienced similar thing?

    Hi there,

    I too have [had] the infamous "snap, crackle, pop" issue with my console. My dealer has acknowledged that it is a design flaw with the car. He explained that the pins/clips holding down the console are made of plastic, and with the change in temperature, mild or extreme, they expand and contract and make that noise. I have had the console taken out and serviced 3 times. The noise is not completely gone, but is less frequent for sure. I think one of the other responses said keep making them fix it until it goes away...I would have to say that is the best advice as I was also told by the Lexus service manager the exact same thing.

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