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Posts posted by lofmyrx

  1. I'm new to the forum and joined so I could help my son maintain his '99 RX300 that he bought used 6 months ago. He asked that I help him to replace his brake pads and inspect the rotors. Unfortunately, the rotors are badly worn and need replacing. I tried to remove the rotors but encountered what appears to be a large (> 1") nut that holds the rotors to the axle. We didn't have a socket large enough to remove the nut but also discovered that the axle turns when trying to remove the nut. Is there something we're missing here? I've never seen rotors that appear to be so difficult to remove on a vehicle. Do we have to have a person on each front wheel so they can keep the axle from turning when trying to loosen the nut? I'd appreciate any assistance and advice. Thanks in advance.

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