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Posts posted by NikeRJC

  1. Hello, I live in NYC and the weather is cold.  Every morning when I get into my car and try to start it up, the car wont start.  It seems like it is not making any contact therefore no spark.  However once I get it to turn on (after about 10 trys) and I warm it up, the ignition will turn on with no problems.  I was wondering if anyone knows what the problem could be?  Im sure its not the starter or battery.

    Do you have full power to everything? If you do then I am bout 100% positive you need an ignition switch.

  2. Well...we got 3 replies for people interested in going to a L.O.C meet. We need more replies to know that people are interested, cause if there isnt enough people interested then it would be worth having a meet. Come on people i know theres alot more than 3 Lexus owners in the north Jersey area,

  3. I am 21 and was 20 when i bought my Es300, I thought it was awesome , a 20 year old driving a Lexus. But i dont think other people thought the same, i was expecting to get alot of feedback from my friends liek...wow thats car is hot or something, but no. Evenyone thought it was an old mans car. i dont really think so, but actully around here in Jersey that all that drives these things, older men and women. but i dont care i love my car. And besides, i think the reson you dont see younge people driving our cars is because they simply cannot afford it.

  4. Very true SW, although i do perfer Meguier's over most products, their waxes are so easy to use...others like Raindance is so hard to remove and leaves white dust all of the car. Oh and i forgot to mention, treat ur wheel like ur paint finsih...dont leave them out...appy a coat of wax to them also, keeps them looking nice.

  5. I use to do alot of detailing jobs and I found what works BEST on a black car is Meguiers Deep crystal system steps 1 2 and 3. It is alot of work, but take my word for it you'll be 100% satisfied. Just to make it easy i'll break it down for you.

    Step 1: Wash and dry your car. Any car soap is really ok, although i do like to use Turtle Wax soap(about the only good thing they make)

    The key to making your car look nice is making sure the wheels and tires are spotless, for this i use Westly's Bleach White on the tires and Meguier's Hot Rims wheels cleaner. To finish that off i then use Meguier's Hot Shine Tire Shine(apply to dry tire before you wax it because since the car is black the tire shine always tends to show up on the paint in little spots. VERY ANNOYING! :angry:

    Step 2: Use a clay bar over the entire cars finish. What this does is removes any grit the finish may have. I always use Mother's Clay bar.

    Step 3: Using a orbital buffer, apply Deep Crystal system Step1: Paint Cleaner. Then buff off by hand

    Step 4: Again using a orbital buffer, apply Deep Chystal system Step2: Polish. Then again buff off by hang

    Step5: Again with an orbital buffer, apply Meguier's Gold class liquid wax(this is in place of Meguier's step3: Carnuba Wax) then buff off by hand.

    I told you its alot of work, but TRUST ME that beautiful black lexus paint will look like new.

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