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Posts posted by Rich

  1. I have a '94 GS300. The front leather seats have split and cracked... just the seats (the back rests are OK).

    Anyone know if I can buy good quality replacement covers, prefereably just for the horizontal part of the seat?

    I had a quote today from a local upholsterer: $600 to re-cover the front 2 seats in leather. I'm looking for something a lot cheaper, if possible...



  2. Hi Rahn,

    Thanks for the reply. I'll try eBay for the shocks...

    Re. the key: I don't know where the dealership got it from, but after reading the woes of other people, I think I was really fortunate!

    Here's the number of the Lexus Dealership in Oxnard, CA:

    DCH Lexus of Oxnard

    Parts tel: 805 988 8598

    Or e-mail: info@lexusofoxnard.com.

    Good luck!


  3. I have different info from all other replies.

    I recently lost my one and only key to my '94 GS300.

    My local Lexus Dealership, DCH Lexus of Oxnard, CA, ordered a replacement key for me over the phone: total cost $89 including $20 for overnight freight from the East Coast. All I had to do was show them proof of my ownership of the car when I collected the key.

    Then AAA (as a Plus Member) reimbursed me fully.

    Maybe I'm just a lucky guy! But that's what just happened (March '04).

    Then the key I had lost tuned up found... so now I have two keys :D


  4. Hi,

    My first foray on this great site...

    I recently bought a 1994 GS300. It runs well, and looks great (now it's had a major detail - I bought it at an auction).

    I opened the hood and was pleased to see a big matel thing, which I take to be the engine. Good so far.

    But I just noticed that the little black plastic "DIAGNOSIS" box is empty... What's that mean, then?!



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