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Posts posted by OKSC3

  1. Sure as hell ain't oil, spite what they may try to say, we have enough oil in the ground of Alaska, Oklahoma, and Texas alone to fuel the US for longer than we will live. Gas prices are such balderdash right now.

  2. And make sure you track down the source of what caused your detonation. I take it if your making detonation that bad you must be blown (boosted) and you may have something faulty in your fuel system. The last thing you want to do is blow your new engine after your rebuilt because of the same problem. And if you do a rebuild take your time and do it right (have it done right), or your car the thing will never run good again.

  3. As far as Andy's goes, Andy dosen't own the place anymore. We did business with (Still do) as he owns a hobby shop/slot car track also, and we deal to him. I ordered two civic kits from them after Andy had sold it off, and it was BS the whole way through, if we hadn't of had Andy go over and !Removed! them out we probably would have never gotten the kits. So I don't even look at thier website anymore.

  4. Yeah, thats what your dad needs to do, when I bought my '99 Eclipse my senior year (99, hehe) my dad was insured on the mitsubishi, and I was insured on an old farm truck we had. Other than that, I don't know what to tell you, $500 a month has to be full coverage even for a 17yo, I have tickets, under 25, ect. (But am married) and full coverage for a SC400 is a fraction of that.

    Ohh, and have you taken drivers ed. Must have.

  5. Umm, $2453 for valve gasket.. on a I6 none the less... Crack must be abundant around DC cus someone is smoking it. I could do the job myself in a day for the cost of the gaskets...

    As far as getting it fixed quick, if your loosing any kind of compression or having anything pass the gasket it needs to be fixed ASAP.

    As far as the main seal, can't tell ya on that one. But the Lexus dealer prices look high for even that. But its more work to get to it.

  6. Make sure you run a lens cleaner through your disk changer. I though my '99s Eclipse's factory cd deck (Its a seperate CD deck from the stereo) was shot, wouldn't even start to play anymore, so I called up Mitsubishi and they told me $400, said to hell with it I can live without CD's, then something in the back of my brain told me to try a CD cleaner, never had a problem again.

    So I preach trying an inexpensive cleaner disk to everyone first. Should work, no problem, with a cartrige load disk changer. Then if that dosen't work think of picking one up from the for sale forums or something.

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