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Posts posted by nelsjay

  1. I do like the ride and think I could live with the NAV issues (don't use it all that much and can always plug in my Garmin). We keep our cars for a while and what concerns me is the reliability problems (which were NOT an issue with my other three Lexus).

    I guess the more appropriate question would be: "If you had it to do over again in this price range, would you still buy an ES350"?

  2. I had a 2003 ES300 (and a '93 ES before that), my wife currently drives a 2000 RX. We have loved these cars and they have been extremely reliable. Unfortunately, my 2003 was just totaled (I'm fine, thanks for asking). I was interested in purchasing a 2008 ES350 with the ultra luxury package and Levinson, but have been discouraged reading all the complaints on these forums. Before I plop down 45K for a new car, I would like to know: Does anyone here love their ES350?

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