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  • Lexus Model
    1993 Lexus ES 300

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  1. I've had a reoccuring problem with my 93 es where the exhaust system becomes extremely loud upon acceleration, and acceleration was actually sluggish as well. Well I've had it fixed in the past, gaskets changed and such and well that made the car sound like it was brand new and quiet....for about two days. The exhaust would gradually get louder again and sounded like a honda with a loud muffler. Well I finally had the opportunity to just install a brand new muffler and exhaust system after I was rear ended by a drunk driver. Car sounded BEAUTIFUL, comparable almost to my 2002 es, and the acceleration was more sensitive. Now about two weeks later its getting louder again. Everything seems to be just a temporary fix and noone can seem to determine what the actual problem is. Any suggestions? Another thing of note would be that the gas mileage I get also decreases as the car gets louder. -Matt
  2. I'm thinking of just changing the door speakers in my 93 es 300 with some after market ones. I've heard mixed reports on if the amp can handle after market speakers. I was thinking along some alpine 2-ways. I'm pretty sure the stock woofers are 6.5 in. and because they are meant primarily for bass, 3-way is not needed. Anyone have any experiences just replacing the door woofers or have an idea on if this would be successful?
  3. One thing to note is turning the bass and volume up high seems to null the "rattle" or bad sound i hear. For instance in rap songs with high bass and thumps it sounds fine at very high volumes. its at lower volumes that causes problems and even with the bass turned all the way down, I can still hear it. It sounds more like a gurgling sound than anything else. I'm just probably going to find some audio expert to take a look although the point is trying to avoid spending money because I honestly don;t have alot.
  4. my 93 es right door speaker either blows out or has severe rattling issues even with bass off. My left door speaker is beautiful, no problems at all. Problem is my right door has been removed so many times and the speaker has blown out 3 times now that I'm not sure if the speaker is blown or the rattle is just that absolutely horrible. I just replaced the speaker this morning and it sounds horrible. Its all stock speakers, nothing new added. I do have a pair of pioneer 6x9 speakers i would like to add to the rear but I know nothing about hooking these things up. I've heard mixed stories about replacing the speakers and having them be underpowered by the stock amp and replacing the stock amp messing up the speakers it all confuses me. I just want for once to hear some clean crisp audio from my car. Hell I enjoyed my sound more when I removed the right door speaker although the lack of bass upset me. I like a moderate amount of bass and my right door speaker fails to comply. If it were a person I would tell it to be more like my left door speaker which sounds beautiful. Any way I can fix this right door speaker or if I would be able to put the pioneer speakers in the back without comprimising the rest of the stock set up. Really if I can just get my right door speaker to work I would be a happy guy. Never mind the two 700 watt subwoofers in a 2 foot box enclosure thingy i want to set up that will probably never get done because I can't get that stupid right door speaker to work. This has been going on for over a year now. Please help me you'll be my hero
  5. the right door speaker on my 93 es 300 has blown twice and rattles constantly and sounds overall absolutely horrible. its been replaced each time by a stock speaker from my es 300 parts car but now i'm out of speakers to put into it. no other speakers have nay problems, just the right door speaker. I just put in a speaker today and without the door put back on it sounded fine. i put the door on and it rattled a little. thought it was the door. took the dor off again and it seems like the speaker itself is just rattling and gargling and sounding horrible. the speaker isn't blown it just sounds horrible. the left speaker is great very crisp. even when i have the bass all the way down i can still hear it. Now I'm no expert at hooking up speakers or radios but I believe I'm going to have to resort to after market speakers atleast for the doors. I was wondering if no one has a solution to my audio problem that they could maybe suggest some after market door speakers and if I would need to replace the stock amp or what would have to be done.
  6. I've had my 93 lexus es 300 for over a year now. It has 152k miles, alot of the parts on it are from a 95 lexus es that I use as a parts car. The transmission blew 4 months ago, so I replaced it. Car was fine for about 2 months then the engine started to idle very rough. Then It started to stall everytime I stopped unless I put it into neutral. Had it "fixed" by some friend's of my father at their auto shop. Didn;t stall for about 2 weeks and now its started to idle very rough and stall occassionally. The engine has the most trouble idling while on an incline. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the fuel intake because its worse on inclines and when my fuel is low, but replacing those valves is quite costly. A new transmission set me back enough. Any suggestions on how to fix this problem.
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