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Posts posted by fazooley

  1. Someone on one of the other forums posted fix to this issue so encase this ever happens again to someone else on the forums and you cannot access the menus to do an eject here is the procedure :


    On the blank screen where it tells you that there's no nav Disc and you must bring it back to the dealer, and some japanese writting. Use your finger and tap the upper right hand corner twice. Your disc should now eject.

    If it doesnt work, try Tapping upper right corner once and bottom right corner once.


  2. ello All. Well I used the search function which showed me to how succussfully backup my original disks, I always run backups so i dont scratch my originals. Anyways after much reading I decided to make a 5.1/7.1 map disk and see if I could get it to work on the Gen5 Nav which a few others have reported as working. I disconnected the left batter terminal for 5 minutes, replugggd and then when I got in the car it told me no nav disk, or operting system or soemthing like that. I threw in my hybrid disk figuring it would start to load but it seems to just be sitting there. The 3 top right buttons are not working so i cannot do a map eject and throw in my 7.1 either. Is there a way to get the disk out or am i doing something wrong?

    Muvh thanks in advance


  3. Hello All. Well I used the search function which showed me to how succussfully backup my original disks, I always run backups so i dont scratch my originals. Anyways after much reading I decided to make a 5.1/7.1 map disk and see if I could get it to work on the Gen5 Nav which a few others have reported as working. I disconnected the left batter terminal for 5 minutes, replugggd and then when I got in the car it told me no nav disk, or operting system or soemthing like that. I threw in my hybrid disk figuring it would start to load but it seems to just be sitting there. The 3 top right buttons are not working so i cannot do a map eject and throw in my 7.1 either. Is there a way to get the disk out or am i doing something wrong?

    Muvh thanks in advance


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