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Posts posted by dsr

  1. I previously owned 2004 RX 330. Purchased RX 350 about 10 months ago. Noticed "Text" scroll not working as it did in 2004 model. Two differences: 1)2008 model requires you to continually push the text button to scroll, 2)scroll displays random information, sometimes a word in the song title, sometimes the artists first or last name but most of the time it goes backward to the song that played previously and picks up a word or two. Dealer admits this is not working like a scroll text should work. Supposedly the dealer checked five brand new RX 350's on the lot and all are working exactly as mine. Been working with Lexus area rep for months now and what I get is "The radio is working like it is supposed to work. It is a design problem." However, Lexus is not doing anything to change the design and simply repeats "There is nothing we can do, the radio is working like it is designed to work". In reading this forum, I see noone else who reports this problem. Am I being fed a line of bull or do any of you RX 350 owners experience the same problem? Also was told by the area rep that if enough people complain, they may look into changing the design. What a way to run a company!

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