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Posts posted by vmiller

  1. I am wanting to replace the front brake pads on my '96 LS400. I have the instructions from lexls.com as to the 1990-1994 but it doesn't state anything with regard to the sensors or about releasing the pressure when you compress the caliper to avoid damaging the anti-lock brakes. Is it necessary to remove the sensors and also to release the pressure? If it is necessary, how do I go about releasing the pressure? Thanks for any assistance:D

  2. I feel for you. My wife was parked at the grocery store in our LS400 and somebody keyed the driver's side from the back fender all the way to the front grill. I took it to Lexus and it cost almost $4,000. to repair it. My insurance paid all but the $500. deductable. They did an excellent job on it and you can't tell that one side was even repainted.

    I'm sure the culprit was somebody that was jealous that they can't afford the best.

  3. How do I go about installing a drive belt on a '96 LS400? Is there a tension pulley, and if so, can this be reached from under the hood or under the vehicle? If there isn't a tension pulley, what is the procedure?

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