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Posts posted by jwc747

  1. My 2001 GS300 Navigation system has not been accurate as to location or heading. Every once in a while it does figure out where it is but it usually doesn't last long and starts getting off track. Over the years it did this occasionally but would always correct itself pretty quickly. I attributed these aberrations to lack of enough satellites at the time. Now it's happening most of the time as though it only has one or two satellites and not the three (I assume?) that are needed. Has anyone had this problem?


    I am having similar trouble with my GS 400 did you find any luck bere i have to take it to te dealer. Thanks

    I have not had any luck although the problem is not occurring as frequently as before. Please let me know if you get a diagnosis on your issue. Thanks

  2. My 2001 GS300 Navigation system has not been accurate as to location or heading. Every once in a while it does figure out where it is but it usually doesn't last long and starts getting off track. Over the years it did this occasionally but would always correct itself pretty quickly. I attributed these aberrations to lack of enough satellites at the time. Now it's happening most of the time as though it only has one or two satellites and not the three (I assume?) that are needed. Has anyone had this problem?


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