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Posts posted by Teach

  1. The LS460/460L/600hL all cannot close the trunk from the remote. You must push the button on inside the trunk lid, or the switch on the dashboard to close it. The trunk lid has a jam protection feature that will open the trunk if something is in the way.

    That's the Service Consultant told me!

    Dear LTP and others. With the new information posted here, I feel I may owe some of you an apology.

    When I first wrote about what I observed at Taste of Lexus I was very confident in what both my wife and I saw. But now I think I know what it might feel like to be a witness testifying at a trial and the lawyers ask me what I saw. I felt VERY confident that I saw the trunk open and close from the remote. But now that people have said it can be closed by a button in the car and/or the trunk...I could not swear that the other guy standing there did NOT push a button in the trunk. I DO recall some mention of the button, but I never actually saw the button and I my wife and I DON'T recall seeing anyone push it. But, IF a lawyer were to ask me is it possible that the other guy DID push the button without me noticing, YES, it IS possible. I'm sorry if I caused any confusion or misinformation. (Of course, as some have suggested, what's the point of auto close if you already are standing by the trunk to push the button?)

    With that said, I'd like to throw my 2 cents in regarding the need for a motorized trunk lid. I think most of us can agree that NEED has nothing to do with the concept of using a motor to open OR close a trunk. Since we're actually talking more about luxury and convenience, as long as the remote can open the trunk, and there is an automatic safety reverse if it hits something while closing, there does not appear to be any practical or safety reason why it should not also close the trunk. It doesn't NEED to close by remote, but when all the capability to do it already is built in, why not make that feature available for those who WANT it?

    Once again, I apologize for any confusion I may have caused.


  2. Unfortunately the owners here know a lot more about these cars than most dealers...

    I talked to Service Dept. this afternoon; the tech. there confirmed with me that in model LS460 both 2007 and 2008 can not close the trunk with the remote.

    Also the map of Navigator still is the map of 2006 and I have to wait untill December so I may have the map updated for my car. :cries:

    It's so weird huh?

    Weird is not the word for it. Your Service Dept is either calling me a liar, and/or they don't know what they are talking about. Not only did I, my wife, and another guy watch the trunk close, the other guy actually put his hand in the way of the closing trunk to see what would happen. As soon as it touched his hand, it went back up.

    I can't imagine why Lexus would go around the country demonstrating a closing trunk if it is not available as advertised. That certainly would not be a good way to develop a good rapport with customers. Maybe you need to tell your Service Dept. to get on the stick and learn how to program the remote to do what it's supposed to do.

    I'll tell you one thing, I'll very likely to be buying an LS 460 WITH the autoclosing trunk once the selling price for the '08s drops a little, and IF it doesn't work, Customer Service will be hearing from me.

    Good Luck,


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