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Posts posted by danefx

  1. Without a doubt, it was a 1997 Mercedes S500.I had the car from 2004 until 2007. Three and a half years cost me $14,000 in repairs and maintenence. As the car was just over ten years old with 112,000 miles, it was starting to cost too much too often. There were certin issues that most of these cars had that were very expensice to repair.

    I was lucky enough not to run into these problems. So it was like a sword hanging over my head, knowing that the very expensive issues were soon to come.

    The last straw came when I had zero oil pressure on the guage at idle when the car was hot. My mechanic could not get my pressure up to the old reading, even after $1,700 in repairs. Many people at the mercedes boards say that these mercedes have low oil pressure at idle, and it's normal. but I don't know why my mechanic couldn't get the pressure back up to the old levels.

    So after $14,000 and seeing the value of the vehicle drop to under $10,000, I decided it was time to let it go and get something much more dependable.

    Enter my 2004 LS430 which I purchased as a cpo car last week.

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