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Posts posted by aka

  1. Thank you guys for your advise. Because the starter was not cranked, I didn't think that it's battery. But thinking about the battery, it had been cranking longer than usual to start the engine for the last few weeks. I'll just buy a new battery.

  2. It happened this morning. When I turned the ignition to turn on the electric, it seemed fine as usual. But when I tried to start the engine, it all dies down suddenly. I took out the key and turned the ignition again, it was the same. In 3rd time, it gave me nothing. No electric at all. Even the auto door lock didn’t work. Do I need to replace some fuse? Or other such as starter? Electrical? The starter even won’t crank, no response.

  3. The key won't turn to open the trunk lid for my 91 LS400, so I was using trunk lid opener under the dash panel. But I turned off the main switch this morning and the key won't turn to turn on the main switch to open the trunk. Now I can't open my trunk though the blockbuster video I have to return today is in my trunk!!! Any help or suggestion please.

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