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  • Lexus Model
    2000 RX300 Black/Grey

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  1. I feel pretty lucky to get the results that I did. I would imagine I will need to do this twice a year. I was quoted a flat $100-150 fee (depending on the #) for PDR. Next I want to have some leather reupholstered - a couple of spots. What a needle in a haystack to find the right place! Thanks for all the feedback - you really pointed me in the right direction. Take it easy!
  2. I just got it back today - WOW - AMAZING!! She looks brand new. Including PDR, it was the best $300 I have spent in a long time. Anyone in Portland/Vancouver should check out Autobella on MLK Blvd. I will post some photos. Thanks again for the advice! Take it easy- :D
  3. I am a Real Estate Broker with RE/MAX in Portland, OR. I specialize in working with buyers who are relocating to the area, as well as close-in Portland neighborhoods. In fact, give me a call 503.880.8338, drop me an email.. travisbowers@remax.net or check out my site at http://www.yourportlandrealtor.com. Thanks for asking! I guess all kinds of people love Lexus! Thanks for all the great advice
  4. I've got another one for anyone who can help me out. The other day I noticed, after starting my car in a dark garage, that all the lights were flickering slightly. I've also noticed from time to time the lights dim slightly, for a splt second, when I apply the brakes. I don't know if these two are related, and I have had no dead battery problems. Anyone know if I should be concerned? Thanks for any help!
  5. I wash the car with lanswool mit and car washing soap, towel dry. I will have it professionally waxed immediately. As for the brush strokes - Lexus may have sold me a previously damaged car. I wouldn't be a surprised. Thanks for all your feedback! I will take it to a professional and have it taken care of soon! Take it easy.
  6. Thanks riwyle and SKPerformance - I appreciate the feedback, and now I can go back in their armed with some information and get it fixed finally. Take it easy! :D
  7. Good point. I will try that route - though I have had poor responses from this dealership. I wonder if they would prep the paint properly, buffing out scratches and so on, before just spraying another coating over it. You make a good point, I will call them next. Thanks to the both of you for responding and for the tip!
  8. Anyone had this one? From time to time, after starting the RX motor, it will have a hard time idling for a minute or so. It sort of sputters, until I give it some gas for 30 seconds or so to level it off. Once, it even stalled while sputtering, ignoring me when I pressed the gas pedal. I took it to Lexus, as always, and they told me they replaced a sensor and sent me on my way. Well, it still does this from time to time. I took it back to Lexus and they told me they couldn't reproduce the problem, so they wouldn't know where to start. Any ideas? Thanks!
  9. Since I have your attention; can you, or anyone for that matter, recommend a good detailer in the Portland OR/Vanvouver WA area? It's a stretch I know, but it can't hurt to ask. Thanks again in advance for your help! ;)
  10. Good advice, that is what I will do. Thanks for the reply! I was a bit concerned, before, that a detailer wouldn't be able to correct the problem. Now, I feel confident. Thanks again
  11. Rusty, DEFINATELY check out Leatherique at www.leatherique.com!!! This is simply the ONLY product for leather. The owner is great and will answer questions, this is a family owned business for decades and they restore rare and collector car leather, etc. I will only use Leatherique - period. Check them out - the results are amazing.
  12. Can anyone help me out? I have a rattle in the driver's side rear door panel, and it is driving my straight up the wall. Is this a common problem/easy fix? I also have one coming from my sunroof, but it's less annoying. Also - my driver's side ext. mirror vibrates inside it's housing, in normal conditions. I'm talking about the actual glass piece inside of the mirror shell. Can I tighten something? My dealer has been pretty useless, so any help would be tremendous! THANKS!!!
  13. So, when I bought my '00 RX300 2 years ago, I caved and let the dealer put on their "protective" coating on the paint :chairshot: . Now, in just a couple of years, my paint looks dull, with millions of tiny surface scratches and spots, etc. Even worse; I noticed yesterday that left front fender, when you look at it just right in daylight, has what appears to be brush strokes in the paint! It looks almost like little hairs under the paint. At first I thought the car had been damaged and the fender painted by some moron with a paintbrush. Later, it occured to me that perhaps it was the moron applying my protective coating with a brush. When you stand back, or look at it in the garage, the paint looks fairly normal, and blends with the rest of the car. In the light however...! Does anyone have any idea what I am looking at? Can I simply have the car professional waxed to remove the scratches, and I can protend the "protective" coating never happened? OR, should I not wax over the rediculous film, or whatever it is? Any help is REALLY appreciated! Thanks!
  14. wow if you lived near me I would sell you my gs300 for $6000.00, it only has 129,000 miles on it and new lexus leather interior ← yeah, that would have worked out if I wasnt on the other side of the country. Do you think that the GS400 that I mentioned would be a good buy? Thanks.
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