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Posts posted by dmaddox

  1. I'll give that a try, however if that doesnt fix it, could the ignition be flakey? Or what about a relay somewhere? It sounds like a worn connection somewhere, which would lend to the intermittent nature of its starting. One second starts, the next it wont....wierd.

    Curious if it could be anything else up the line somewhere....

    Any wiring diagrams for this available?

    Thanks for the feedback,


  2. Hello again folks,

    I have intermittent starting. I can turn the key, nothing...no clicks, turns, or anything, just nothing. Then, I can giggle and wiggle, come back 20 minutes later and it starts right up.

    I just replaced the battery and terminals. Same issue, so that didnt fix anything.

    I put a test light on the postive wire going to the starter. It has constant juice. So, I am guessing the starter relay is bad, or the ignition is bad.

    I need some help here, becuase when I get done with work today, I might be able to go home, or I might have to wait around until it decides to start.

    1. Do any of you have this problem and have fixed it?

    2. Do any of you have a starter wiring diagram?

    This is a huge pain, and very embarrasing.

    Any help is appreciated!


    Dallas M.

  3. Hello, doors have all been fine, as expected.

    Upon getting ready to go to work this morning, I unlocked car in the normal fashion, and it was still locked!

    So, I used the key to manually unlock the driver door, still acted as though it was locked. Now, I think the cable is either broken or loose on the inside of that handle. Becuase the lock works ok, you can open from the inside and all other doors can open. However, I cannot open the driver door from the outside. As you can imagine this BITES!

    Have any of you seen/heard of this issue, if so what is an easy fix? I'd hate to have to dig into the door panel and so on.

    1994 ES300



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