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Posts posted by zd9

  1. That is pretty ridiculous. They should've reconditioned the whole car before selling it to you. I guess some dealers work different then others when it comes to CPO. But yeah, it's technically not covered after you purchased it. You can try calling Lexus Customer Service (1800-25-Lexus in the Western area, I'm not too sure if it work on your side... It's an 800 number, I'm sure it'll work) and tell them your story and see what they can do for you.

  2. I can't scan anything for you because I don't own a Lexus, but here's a few details about what there are:

    Things required for invoicing:

    OPCODE, T1, T2, 'CCR' (concern/cause/remedy), OFP

    OPCODE (Operation Code): tells you what part of the car that was defective, (eg. 8611A1 - opcode for SSC 8LA, 7509L1 - opcode for SSC 7LC, 473011A - opcode for rotors)

    T1 (trouble code #1) - 2-digit code customer complaint (eg. "Guest states car would not start" T1=72 "Ineffective ON/OFF")

    T2 (trouble code #2) - 2-digit code for what actually went wrong (by the tech/eg. "Open circuit in battery" T2=71 "Open circuit/Faulty semiconductor")

    T3 (trouble code #3) - required for Paint claims

    Claim Type: RG (regular), SC (service campaign), MT (maintenance - 1K, 5K, or LPS)

    CCR (cause/correction/remedy) - shows on an invoice

    Concern -- Guest states vehicle won't start

    Cause -- Open Circuit in battery

    Remedy -- Replaced battery

    OFP (Original Failed Part number) - what failed on the car. (eg. in this case, the battery's failed part number would be 28800-50080).

    Different dealers have different processes.

    Some dealers have "bookers" aka the invoicing clerk. Sometimes they are responsible for handling/typing out EVERYTHING and looking up EVERYTHING per the Flat Rate Manual (available to Lexus dealerships). For example a tech would make his notes on the repair order (RO) and the "booker" would do everything: look up the opcode, T1/T2, translate from the tech's cause/remedy and put it to words that are standardized (aka "open circuit", etc.)

    The tech is responsible for flagging time in & time out and it has to coincide with the time that they flagged, which I'm sure you know about that.

    In other dealerships, the technician looks up the op code, T1, and T2 write all the necessary information on the RO and turn it in to be flagged. The service consultant is responsible for bringing that information from the back of the RO to the front verbatim. The invoicing clerk in this case types it up verbatim and it gets to the warranty administrators a day later to be processed to Lexus.


    Lexus Warranty Administrator (Dealer level)

    The Warranty Administrators at the Lexus dealerships, I personally think, have the most stressful jobs. They have to sift through several invoices and submit each claim individually. They first check for common errors: mileage discrepancies, typos, required signatures, vital information, verbiage, etc.

    Then they "final-bill" the RO - aka bring it to the CPS (Claims Processing System) to submit to Lexus [that's technology set up by the IT dept.]

    Once a RO is final-billed, it will show up in CPS. CPS is accessed through "Dealer Daily" a website only accessible inside a dealership that links to various sites: Lexus Financial Services, Claims Processing System, National History Lookup, Customer Satisfaction Survey Index, etc.

    They look up the RO# (Repair order # that is exclusive to the Dealership) and it'll bring up the claim with a claim number (general 6-digit number that Lexus can access if you need assistance with processing). Again, this screen looks like a regular invoicing screen and you can make changes as necessary (correct verbiage, opcode, flag times, T-codes, etc.). Some claims will pay automatically, and some claims will go into something called "Pending Judgement" which a Lexus Corp. Warranty Admin will manually review the claim. Examples of claims that'll pay automatically are the 1Ks, 5Ks, some TSIBs, and some regular claims. That's pre-determined by the CPS system...

  3. A lot of people service their cars by mileage here at our store. I believe it states in your manual what is the recommended interval (as far as time) to service your vehicle. For example, the first 5,000 mile maintenance service / 4 Months from First Date of Use (or something similar to that effect). Try consulting with your owner's manual; it should be there... If not, let me know; I'll pull it out from TIS.

  4. Ah... you found a mistake! To clear up the confusion of Groups, this is what had happened. I guess ever since they changed our name from Penske Automotive Group to Penske Motor Group very recently, they failed to inform us that our group website has changed. They also should've redirected all traffic from http://www.penskeautomotive.com to http://www.penskemotorgroup.com/ (which is our California-based, current site).

    That should clear things up a bit.


    As far as your steering wheel goes, I have never heard of a steering wheel repair like that. They usually only Sublet it out for repairs if there is leather damage/scratches (not covered under warranty, but done anyway as a Goodwill gesture = low miles / frequent customer / new owner / other factors... usually depends on DSPM/DOM).

    Yeah, definately keep us informed. If all else fails, contact Lexus directly :).

  5. FYI,

    Penske Automotive Group (now Penske Motor Group) is separate from United Auto Group (UAG) which is owned/operated by yes, Roger S. Penske, Jr. Penske Motor Group is through Greg Penske, one of five Roger Penske, Sr. sons.


    I know becuase I work for PMG. We only have two Lexus dealerships that are based in California only. Longo Lexus (El Monte, CA) & Lexus of Stevens Creek (San Jose, CA).


    Besides that:

    1. Yes wood has irregularities, but they should've Goodwilled that because of the fact that you bought two RX-h's.

    2. This is kind of true but the district service & parts manager (DSPM) / district operations manager (DOM) have authorization to replace it through Goodwill guesture.

    3. That is so BS, becuase we've done steering wheel replacements before.

    My advice to you is to speak to the service department or speak to a service consultant, more likely the service manager/service director. Explain the situation and explain how you are unhappy with the service you are receiving. If not, call the 800 lexus customer care # & get the DSPM/DOM involved.

    Dealerships around are now all into customer satisfaction. Once you step in to that dealership for a 5,000 mile warranty maintenance service, you'll end up getting a survey through the mail. You can score them really low & bad, and they'll call you back & try to sort things out...

    No harsh feelings, just wanted to clear things up, plus, good luck with your troubles. Hope it gets settled.

  6. Hello All,

    I just wanted to say nice site, and I'm new here. I actually work at a Lexus Dealership in :censored: (lol j/k, I am not going to say which, or else I would get flamed of course).

    If you have any questions as far as service / warranty, ask away in the forums and I will browse around and try to answer as many as I can :).


  7. William Fichtner came in to service his RX330 the other day.

    Many of you may know him from the FOX series Prison Break as Agent Alex Mahone, or many other movies like Independence Day which I have not watched.

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