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Posts posted by Champak

  1. @lexstar, I don't understand anything you said.

    @Leadfoot, When the car died, after the long run, when I tried to start it again, the engine would idle at 100-300 and then die out the first few times I tried to start it.

    "Try with the AC on and see if it happens again in the same situation."

    That should be fun...purposely run the car way beyond the speed limit to try and get the engine to shut off on me. Talk about troubleshooting...that should be fun; if I don't crash, "Sorry officer, I was trying to get my engine to shut off on me :)." But I guess you got to do what you got to do.

    @1990LS400, Not relating directly to this problem, but a few days this winter here in NY, the temp was below 10 and those days the car either didn't start, or would start and idle at like 100 and then die out...if I revved it, it would die immediately. Would that be a problem with steering fluid leaking on the alternator?


  2. After doing 85mph+ for an extended period of time...30min+ or so, when slowing down to below 30mph or so....traffic or coming off the ramp, the engine light comes on and shuts down. You can imagine how dangerous that is on a highway with heavy traffic or coming off a steep turn ramp with practically no power brakes or steering power. I'm worried that at some point this is going to start happening without me doing the high speeds first. What could possibly be the problem?

  3. Thanks. Now,

    1/ Does that come with instructions?

    2/ Never did it before so is it "relatively" easy or do you recommend me taking it to a mechanic?

    3/ One of the lexus shops that was trying to get me to buy a new one asked if I have traction control or not, but I don't see an option on that link. Does the traction feature matter?

  4. The brake light is staying on (and the pedal is way down) and the pads are good. I got new rear rotors, the front ones are good. If I bleed the brakes, the light goes away for about a day and then comes back...yes I bleed them in the proper order. I've bled these brakes so much to the point where the next time I bleed them I'm giving the car away.

    I've been told it could be the master cylinder by the engine losing pressure, but someone else tells me if I don't see leakage then it isn't that. Then someone else told me that it may be losing pressure by the brakes themselves. Can anyone here point me in any particular direction and a test I can do myself? Thanks.

  5. I just set up an aux input on my 94 LS400 for my laptop. When I'm powering the laptop through the lighter socket via an inverter, I get a hum/buzz sound with the audio. It doesn't happen when the laptop is running off its own battery. Is this due to the inverter it self, or the power coming out of the lighter socket? Basically will I resolve this problem by getting a standard car adapter for the laptop? Also, I was told if I put a suppressor in it will solve this, is that true?

    Help please.

  6. I was about to set up a switch for my mp3 player hardwire connection, but I need to find the amp. After I've pulled everything up it doesn't look like I have a damn amp! I know it is suppose to be either under the passenger seat or under/over the CD changer in the trunk. No luck in either spot. I have a 94 LS400 with a Pioneer Changer in the trunk that actually has a 93 manufacturer sticker on it. The changer looks nothing like the one in this link:


    It has the same black housing, but the changer itself is sunk down deeper in the housing/shell and looks like this:

    http://carstereohelp.com/lexus.htm (scroll down to CDX-M8036zt, actually that same model number is on mine, but the changer says Pioneer...don't ask me)

    NO OTHER WIRES anywhere else around the changer besides the two blue connectors connected to the changer. Those lead somewhere back into the car.

    As far as under the passenger seat goes, there are no screw or screw covers to remove the vent to get to the amp that is supposedly under there and the carpet covers all the way through the floor except for a slot for the vent that is there, and a slot for some wires rising out of the floor, which I assume is the cars computer or some other type of wiring.

    So where is my amp...or does my car not have an amp like everyone else'? ....odd I would think. If I don't have an amp, what do I do now? Yes all audio and sound system does work fine if that is going to be someones first question.

    Thanks for any help.

  7. Thanks.

    That's $65 per install. Is the bushing solution for the wobbling/shaking of the car at high speeds or for the slight skipping on turns? Is there a way to just look at the bushings and tell if they need to be changed(what should they look like if they are bad)? I figure I would buy them, and then while they are going to change the shocks just look at the bushings, and if they don't need to be changed send them back.

  8. Hi, new here, and not a car expert by any means. I have a couple problems with my car now but the one at hand that needs to be fixed immediately is the rear shocks. The back is riding low. I don't know the cost of fixing this or what is good/bad so I'd like opinions. I found a shop near me (NYC) that will do each wheel for $65.00. That is the best that I've found...Sears wants $550 for the labor and they want me to buy the parts from them, which I know will be higher than the average; Pepboys wants $367 for the labor. So I think I'll take a run with these guys...they guarantee their work. Any opinions on that?

    Next is the actual shocks. I found the following place, but I don't know which ones to get so if someone can help me out, and if these are the best prices available.


    If you know somewhere better please point me to them.

    Side note: I have an issue where while the car is picking up past 50mph, it starts wobbling/shaking(it kind of feels like it is coming from the back). It sometimes levels off, but if I hit 75-90mph it is a constant. It only happens through a straight away. It doesn't happen at all, or it is greatly dissipated in slight or hard turns where the steering wheel is taut. Will this be fixed in changing the struts? If not, what is this problem and how to fix?

    Question: Sometimes in turns above 65mph the wheel kind of feels like it is slipping. Is this normal for this car...is the handling/high steering bad, or is there something that can be fixed (all tires are properly inflated and good treads)?


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