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Posts posted by scottielady

  1. I also find the Lexus lockout very irritating. A Lexus employee recently told me that there is a series of buttons that can be pushed in a specific order on the LS430 (what I used to own) that would eliminate the lockout. I was thrilled to hear this; the employee promised to whisper to me what buttons to push on the LS 460 to eliminate the lockout. I called him today and he said he still can't figure this out.

    I also asked him to discuss with the service department whether, if I eliminate the lockout, I will invalidate my service warranty. I was told no problem, the service warranty will still be in effect. The service department was probably laughing and thinking good luck lady figuring out how to eliminate the lockout.

    I also talked to a local stereo installation shop owner today and he said he has been trying to figure out how to eliminate the lockout. He said there is a switch that if you push/pull it the lockout is eliminated. But then the LS460 thinks the car is not on so the GPS and phones don't work anyway.

    I'd like to suggest that everyone who finds this lockout irritating talk to all the mechanics and stereo installation shops in their area and hopefully someone will be able to figure this out. I think I'll call my stereo guy back and offer him $1,000 reward to figure this out!!!!!

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