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Posts posted by matros

  1. Hello every body, long time..., My Ls400 97 has been total back in may, last exactly 1 year, Ipurchase this car back in May19 last year and racked same day, this car save my life, ledy t-bone my drivier side, i have no 1 scratch, was crying like a baby what happen with my car (89000mi) was still on the waranty. Week later purchase LS400 98 - 65000, Iam very happy with it, mach more nicer car that my 97 model, more power and more... Need some info when need to change trany oil, and do full flush, or just drop the oil from the pen?

  2. Sorry I didn't read your problem clearly. Your car "shifts" does it mean it pulls to the right or lean to the right?

    Thanks FLANKER271 for the reply, I am not sure about Air suspension, I know for sure my car don't have traction control, it was optional on this model and 1st owner who purchase this car in Florida decide not to have it. About shifting, car start slightly move left at right after 70 mi. I have to hold steering very tight to hold car steady...

  3. New to the forum, just bought a month ago my first LS400 97 with 87,000 mi on it, the car runs fine and lloks fine, lately notice some problem when going on hiway over 70, car start shifts to side a litle bit, it not feels stady, like if you get a hi wind, any help on that......

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