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Posts posted by LSSDC1000

  1. Don't know if it's been covered - A few minor tips:

    A soft white drafting eraser (block or pen type) is great for getting wax and dirt out of black trim that accidentally gets run over with wax no matter how careful you are. Masking these areas with blue painters tape works before applying wax.

    I buy cheap sponges to apply tire dressing & Armor All and put them in a zip lock bag until they get dirty, then toss them. It saves my washing machine since I no longer use rags. My wife was complaining about some of our clothes getting ruined after she washed my "car towels" because of the petrol-based chemicals on the dirty rags/towels.

    When I was in Germany, the locals purchased 100% cotten in s-rolled bags to remove wax. You simply tear off a wad and remove the wax and toss it. Again saves on the washing machine.

    Thank heaven for microfiber. I bought 50 rags at a CostCo for less than $20.

    I keep the carpet and floor mats scotch guarded.

    Have trouble figuring out whether those pesky glass streaks are in or out? Clean the inside windows horizontal (helps on the rear window defogger) and the outside windows vertical. Newspaper used to work great for windows but with all of the light cloth interior trim around the "A" pillars I would think the ink would ruin the material.

    v/r Greg


    I recommend Invisable Glass which can be purchased at Sam's Club and Spray the cleaner on a micro fiber towel (buy American Made Cotton) and there will be no streaks on you glass. Great product for home use also.

  2. I use Zaino Products. They have a great starter kit and can be purchased online. You will use everything in the kit.

    A clay bar comes with the kit and it will remove all the day to day grime from your paint. Well worth the time.

    Make sure you put the wax on as thin as possible. 1 oz should do you entire car 2-3 coats. The first coat is the hardest to apply and it will get easier as you continue.

    The finish will deepen as more coats are applied. Suggest using microfiber cloths to apply and remove.

    I get a lot of comments that my LS430 is a great looking new car and it is a 2001 model.

    I have also become good friends with my PDR "paintless dent repair' guy. 20-50 bucks and you have a flawless car.

    as jab in the gut... My LS430 is much nicer than my S500 / S430 , better ride.

    Also recommed Sewell Lexus if you live in the DFW Metroplex. :rolleyes:

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