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Posts posted by Flashover

  1. 92silverls400,

    It probably will come as no great surprise that in their zeal to sell, the salesman will offer you the world. Thats why salesmen are, well, salesmen. However, when it comes time to making good on a "handshake", they suddenly have "no recollection" of having promised any such thing. If you have the T-belt replacement warranty in writing then you may have a case. Any warranty I have seen does NOT include "normal" wear and tear(tires, brakes, timing belts, etc). A timing belt needing replacement at 90k is considered normal wear and tear.


    Thanks for the reply, taking my chance that they may honor it. I did write down what he told me on the warranty form the same day I purchased it. I guess when i do the 90K miles service, and the service writer tells me the timing belt is okay, and no need to change it. at least it will be written down. and if the T belt does go out later, then everything will be cover by the warranty, before it expires. :chairshot:

    Be careful of the "if failure is caused by a non-covered part" clause in your warranty. :wacko:

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