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Posts posted by laj0131

  1. Does anyone know where i can download a manual for the nav system i just purchased an 04 and it did not bring the navigation manual. its a touch screen. Even if anyone knows where i can get the actual manual that would be great to. Thanks.

    I have the 05 ES330 NAv Manual in PDF. Send me a PM with your email address and I'll send it over


    Thanks Andrew i actually was able to call Lexus and they are sending it to me at no cost. Im still waiting on it if they take to long i will definatley take you up on that offer. Thanks :cheers:

  2. so i tried all the tricks on here to see if i could do it myself and no such luck. I ended up going to the dealer where the key was cut just to get so ticked off same thing they said that since i didnt have a master for them to copy from that they would need to reset everything and that would take about an hour and $150 yeah right i told her where she could put those $150 but now i have a damn key that is good for nothing the buttons dont work and it doesnt even start the car.....please help me out guys!!!! :*( i really thought that this being a lexus and all that i would be getting great customer service at the dealership but so far i had way better service with my old HONDA!

  3. Hey guys just wondering if anyone has any idea how i can program the master key myslef. I just purchased an 04 es330 didnt come with a master key the dealer ordered me a key which ended up costing me about $200 he sent it to me because its a long drive to go back to the dealership, he said i could go to any lexus to get it programmed i go to my local lexus and they say because it wasnt made there they would have to charge me for it :chairshot: im like i just paid all this money for the key now you want to charge me to program it!!! they say if i go to the dealer that did it it would be free but with gas being almost $4.00 here there is no way im driving out there. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.

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