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Posts posted by Jetstream

  1. Den - I assume that you went over the Grapevine from Fresno to L.A.

    Did the extra power in The GX make a big difference?

    If you had an RX and a GX in your stable, which one would you take on that trip?

    Thanks. - Jetstream - Eugene, Oregon

  2. After 22,000 miles, have decided that our '04 RX330 has to go.

    Transmission is unaceptable. *See RX330 Forum.* Drive by wire and lack of torque cause confusing downshifts. Smells a hill and downshifts.

    Daily driver for wife, who is also unhappy with performance and quirks. It's also used on "long trips."

    GX470 seems to be a compromise.

    1 - Anyone have a GX without fold up rear seats?

    2 - How is it without rear A/C?

    3 - How slow must you go to get 20 MPH?

    4 - What kind of MPG at high speeds? - (75-90 "This is the West")

    5 - Should $10,000 to $15,000 and RX pull off the deal?

    6 - Feedback welcomed!! - ............ - Jetstream - Eugene, Oregon

  3. Eugene, Or.

    Been following posts on RX 330 trans. problems. Ours has 18,000 mostly road miles, and has been a minor annoyance. Had a RX330 service loaner with 5,000 miles, and wife and I declared; "this car is like a different make." Shifted perfectly, smooth, a joy to drive.

    Spoke to Service Mgr. (good friend), and he said the new one had "the fix" from the factory and that it could be done to ours.

    In automotive terms, he said, "We suck the old brains out of the car, and replace them with new brains." My wife asked, "Can you do that to him also?"

    Anyway, now I know how perfect one can be, and will use this as a benchmark for my future venture into "fix land."

    Will let you know.

    Meantime, any "new" reports, please let me know.

  4. Eugene, Oregon

    '98 GS400

    Chrome Wheels

    98, 000 Miles

    Slow leak on both front tires, (wheels). Right front down to 15 lbs. yesterday. Was shown the rust around the seal, and told it's common on factory wheels. This car sees lots of high speeds, and am concerned about blowout potential. Any comments? Thanks, Jetstream

  5. 2004 RX330 - Eugene,Oregon

    Parts of Oregon not used to much snow really got hit around 1st. of the year. Up here in the hills, vehicle had good intentions, but it was obvious the stock tires (M+S) were not up to the task.

    A good skier needs good skis! Nokian Hakapellita SUV w/ studs. These 4 "real" snow tires converted this vehicle into a Snow Cat. Mountain passes where chains were required were like a summer drive. Eugene hasn't gotten any more snow the rest of the winter! That figures!


  6. 10-4 on the Resale value. 13,000 mi. on RX330, and still not sure of it! Wifes daily driver, and long trip vehicle. I f it was my regular ride the trade in would be very important, very soon.

    It looks great, everyone else loves it and the leather is deteriorating by the day! Sooo, I'll stop whining and thank the , in my opinion, inept Consumers Reports for their help.

    Roll On!


    Eugene, Oregon

  7. Where are you? Short trip, long trip? All city, all Freeway? What was the cars life like, up to now?

    My '98 GS400 has 96,000 mi. and hasn't required anything other then 3,000 mi. oil changes, and just recently a new Battery. The brake pads and rotors are even original. This car is based

    in Eugene, Oregon and is 85% road miles, including 3 trips to the East Coast.

    A 98 based in L.A. or NYC would probably be a different animal.

    If it meets all your usage criteria, and only has 45,000 mi, and wasn't a N.Y. Taxi, price is right.

    then go for it! Good luck.......Jetstream - Quickest Way Across the USA!

  8. Torque and H.P.......'04 RX330 w/ 11,000 mi. Mostly wifes car, except for long trips, which here in Oregon and the West are frequent. This torqueless, breathless beauty smells the slightest hill while on Cruise Control, and it downshifts. 75 mph in 4th. (new 5 Speed) is really annoying.

    Ahh, The great gods (small g) of MPG.

    Curious to see the curves (torque) on this ravishing beauty.

    Just a V-8 kind of guy.

    Thanks for the topic............Jetstream

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