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Dan The Big Man

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Posts posted by Dan The Big Man

  1. I just purchased my sc300 a few onths ago with 132,000miles on it for $2550 :rolleyes: BUt of corse with that price comes with wear and tear.. :( i jus found out needs lower control arm bushings and a ball joint. Leaking valve cover gasket, p/s resivor leak. Rack and Pinnion bushing shot, but replaced them with aftermarket bushings. Interior front seats ripped, both door panels seem to have been ripped right off the door itself, previous owner obviously has no idea how to take the door panels off. Clutser needles dont light up. steering wheel ripped . E-brake doesnt brake but it does make a clickking noise when ur going down the road with it slightly pulled up. I love the car, even if it has a thousands problem with it but its a lexus and i know i could fix it right and put some goodies underneat the hood. Im going to a Toyota/lexus (T-TEn) automotive program to put me in a dealership, plus i got acces to alot of online websites so it should be a little easier fixing my SC up :) but doesnt help me being broke lol

  2. Does anyone know if the ball joints are replaceable, aftermarket or factory? Both sids on my 92 sc300 bushings are shot... i bought a polurthrane kit which supplies me with uppper/lower bushings but while i was taking things apart i notice on my driver side that the lower ball joint is shot :chairshot: . I saw what a new control arm cost, but im not willing to pay for 600$ im looking for a easy way out anyone with advice?

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