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Posts posted by SpAzN

  1. Here is what I found out. I went into my local Lexus dealer 2 months ago and asked about getting a replacement key fob for my 2004 RX330. They gave me the regular $145 speech. Then one of the parts guys told me they would get in blanks in about a month. I went back a month later, and they had them. They took my current key, cut a new one on the spot, and put the electronics from my old key to the new on (just undo a screw and it fits right in). This took 10 minutes and cost me $40. The only difference is that the Lexus logo isn't inscribed on the back of the key.

    In other words, call the parts dept of your local dealer and ask if they have blanks in stock. If anything it is worth a shot.

    Hope this helps.

  2. So I finally ended up taking it in. I needed new rear brakes and and oil change anyways. They told me there were a few stored codes, and that my air pressure was low. They cleared the codes and fill up the air. So far I haven't had the lights come on.

    The only explanation they could give me was that it could have been caused by the tire shop when I recently got new tires. I guess things worked out ok, just hope everything stays that way.

  3. So I was driving home a few days ago in some light snow. I decided to turn on the "ETC Snow" button at a stop light. Next thing I know my ABS, Brake and ASC light come on. Nothing affected the drive, so I decided to continue home since I was only a few miles away. When I got home I turned off the car walked around the car and started up again. Everything was normal.

    The question is should I be worried? Has this happened to anyone else? or is this just a fluke?

    I figured I would ask you guys before I spent money to get it looked at.

    Thank you in advance.

  4. I have a 2004 RX 330, and I have gone through three keys. I keeping breaking the plastic case. I am tired of going through the hassle of replacing them and was wondering if anyone had any other options.

    I know I could just turn the key closer to the blade, or get the rubber cover, but wondering if I had any other options. Or can I even modify another brands key fob to work with mine?

    Thank you in advance.

  5. I just bought a used 2004 RX330. The dealer I bought it from put their logo on the back of the car. It is one of this plastic sticker looking things. I thought about using brute strength but I thought I would ask first.

    So what is the best way to get this ugly thing off?

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