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Posts posted by sscaro

  1. It is also a common fault. I've seen lots of reports of this noise and both my GSs did/do it. Worse in cold weather. I've tried packing out the air vent with cardboard which solved the problem for a bit but now it's back. Hopefully I will have some time over the next week to have a good look at it.

    Stripping out the dashboard really is a big job though.

    Can you elaborate on packing the vent with cardboard? I have a squeak/rattle coming from the pass side dash - if I press down on the dash pad to the right of the airbag there is a squeak as it flexes. It changes a little as I fool with the pass side air vent. Can anyone tell me how to remove the vent from the dash to look inside?


  2. My 2002 GS300 does this, as well, but only on occasion. Am having my tech check it out at next service and will post if I learn anything.

    Well, that's a first! I've never heard of this before. It sounds like the engine is missing. Has he flushed the tranny fluid recently? Tune up, that sort of stuff? What kind of fuel is he running? Maybe he's getting bad gas with water in it. That happens more often than not. But in reverse only? That's a new one. Sorry man, I haven't a clue.

    Thanks! Yeah, I've never seen something like that before :blink:

    It's also feels like he pushes and releases brakes while backing up... VSC?

    Only in reverce :(

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