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Posts posted by torvilex

  1. The major differences are brand related. Lexus is all about the driver's comfort and safety. Audi is focussed on the car's performance. You might find the Audi feels faster but the Lexus has a power mode that electronically changes the shift points to drive harder (and burn more gas). Full disclosure is that I work for Lexus and but we are in northern NJ and am unaware of AWD complaints. If you want to drive real fast, try the RWD 350 but the AWD 250 is perfect for suburban living and the car turns like an ice skater.

  2. Has anyone noticed how the VDIM affects the performance of the 350? The back wheels seem to have a mind of their own which, when cornering can be helpful, but when accelerating from a standstill feels awkward - like the transmission is slipping. Thia seems to happen with and without traction control on.

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