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Posts posted by NeWaterGuy

  1. My 95 SC400 squeals fairly consistantly at idle and at lower speeds while driving. I traced the noise to the idle pulley. A quick shot of WD40 to the center of the pulley instantly quiets the noise for 2 to 20 min. then the noise is back. I tried several different lubicants, all pretty much the same result. I had my local garage replace the pulley with a new Lexus part It was squealing on the way home and at idle just like the old part. When I had time I traveled to the nearest dealer and purchased a second new pulley and replace it myself. It sqealed as soon as I started the car. Again if I shoot the bearing/bolt area it quiets immeadiately, I am careful not to overspray when I apply. At this point I am frustrated. Any help or ideas appreciated.

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