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Posts posted by alexus

  1. long time ago when i had to change my braks i didnt really had time to look for performance one so i got an OEM, but back then i said to myself.. next time when those braks ran out i'm going get some nice performance brakes and while i'm at it i also would like to get a cross drill rotors so anyway.. here i am looking for nice setup.. i dont really want to spend $2-$3k for the whole brake setup.. but just a brakes and rotors.. so i made some inqury and i end up from carson toyota with quote

    $125 per each rotor and $79 & $69 for front and rear brakes (ROTORA)

    i also search eBay and i found rotors for $100 for 2 and up to $400 for 4, basically for $50-$100 per rotor, ofcoures they are not ROTORA..

    i dont know nothin about rotors.. but price is just a lot different from $50-$100 and $125,

    btw is having cross rotors drill gives you better brakes? they last longer?

    also, sometimes if your rotors needs some adjustment, technician usually takes them to special machine and takes a little bit off of them to make them flat, but i heard you cant do that with cross drill rotors.. what the solution here? or those cross drill rotors dont go bad they last you long time?

  2. as far as i know it has nothing to do with traction control, as skperformance said.. what it does it switch to next gear on higher rpm rather then in normal mode.. thats all, that allows your car to be a bit faster then in regular mode.. eats a little bit more gas though.. and another thing when you gun it it also reacts better/faster then if it were in normal mode..

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