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Posts posted by Wudaye

  1. a stupid question. What is tensioner? timing belt tensioner? it works for the Blue Smoke issue?

    Doing a valve job, timing belt water pump, the works, to To fix the famous blue smoke issue. [1995 ES300]

    For a year now I have been keeping the oil toped off, checking it every other day, then every day, lately the enging started missing on number 2 cylinder.

    The cylinder has a burnt valve, I decided to do the valve job and all the rest, only because the wife loves this car!

    So far $390.00 for the valve job, resurfacing both heads and 4 new valves. They used the new valve seals from my $266.00 (upper) gasket kit.

    $75.00 for the water pump $145.00 for the timing belt kit.

    I am doing the valve adjustment myself or that would have cost an additional $300.00 When doing the valve job.

    The tensioner seams to be ok.

    If I knew how to put photos on this post I would.



    Sounds like you doing the job properly, but I would suggest reconsidering replacing the tensioner. I realize this large of a job is expensive, but the extra piece of mind you would get by replacing the tensioner I think is money well spent. Good luck, hope everything goes well.

  2. Thanks a lot for your posting. My car has the same problem. I took it to a car shop and they change the valve cover gasket. Nothing improved. It is getting worse, I would say. What more do you think they should have done?


    Doing a valve job, timing belt water pump, the works, to To fix the famous blue smoke issue. [1995 ES300]

    For a year now I have been keeping the oil toped off, checking it every other day, then every day, lately the enging started missing on number 2 cylinder.

    The cylinder has a burnt valve, I decided to do the valve job and all the rest, only because the wife loves this car!

    So far $390.00 for the valve job, resurfacing both heads and 4 new valves. They used the new valve seals from my $266.00 (upper) gasket kit.

    $75.00 for the water pump $145.00 for the timing belt kit.

    I am doing the valve adjustment myself or that would have cost an additional $300.00 When doing the valve job.

    The tensioner seams to be ok.

    If I knew how to put photos on this post I would.


  3. If you're losing a quart every two hundred miles and it's coming out the rear main seal, you'd have one heck of a mess on your hands as well as under the vehicle. The rear main seals rarely ever really leak to the point they drip... usually they just weep as they get old and one can see trace residues of the leakage... definitely doesn't account to a quart/200 miles. I wouldn't replace the rear main seal unless you had the vehicle apart for something else (like tranny work or something).

    It sounds like you are burning the oil, if it matches up with miles driven. Leaks don't match mileage, unless you drive the same amount within the same driving time. Leaks just... well, 'leak' and dribble out the lost oil whether driving or not, especially if they are below the oil reservoir level.

    If you're getting blue smoke on start-up (black smoke usually means you're running rich), that's burnt oil. You could have worn valve guides and/or leaky valve seals, or you could be getting blow by from your rings (a sticky oil ring if it's not a compression ring). You can probably put in a bottle of no-smoke and see if that helps your problem. If you consume less oil with the No-Smoke and the smoke goes away, then more than likely you're burning the oil. Here's the link for the product: http://www.bardahl-ap.com/oil-additives.php ...by the way, this is just a temporary fix. If you do have worn guides/seals/rings, then only an overhaul will help, the No-Smoke will band-aid it for some time, but never fix it.

    Also, check your engine for signs of sludge... smoke is often a side-effect of a sludging engine, which these engines have been known for.

    Yes, it matches up with miles driven, not related to the time going by.

    One question is that, before I took my car to the shop for Valve Cover Gasket changing, my car can run 600 miles/quarter oil for about 1 year. But right after they did their job, it came into 200 miles/quarter. Did they do something bad to my car? I don't think it can change so fast for no reason.

    Now I am 90 percent sure it is burning oil. The thing is I have not done any mechanic job myself yet. it is that possible for me to check worn valve guides or leaking valve seals?

    Thanks a lot for you guys' help. I really learnt a lot.

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