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Posts posted by erick

  1. I had a long chat with sewell dallas and they insisted that 5w-30 is the best ever for the current models since 2003. Seeing the viscoscity and its properties are quite similar, I cannot say why because it could be the oil temp variance & kinetic viscosity temp as this could hit the seals around and they do have some abrasive properties. This is purely what i studied.

    The decision is still left with you to take the right one. If your vehicle is covered by a warranty , follow recommended oil from your service manager and go for the recommended one.

    for me during summer ill use 5-30 but in winter times ill use 5w-20 since i usually do cold starting...i think for the warranty it doesnt matter if its 20 or 30 as long both are accepted by lexus

  2. what i dont like on my lexus nav is i cant input any dealership besides toyota and lexus. i have to call somebody to check and give me the address of an acura dealership. but i think even the acura nav doesnt have any lexus address. sounds fair not to us...

  3. i just upgraded awhile ago with a copy version and everything is straightforward. all it say is dont turn the power off and after a few seconds. its 6.1 version already. but be sure to put the correct map location as default is set i think on location 8 or 9 and i live in california so when i tried searching for walmart its showing 2000 miles away from my current location.

  4. first thing is to check this site www.lexus-europe.com so if you cant buy form netherlands buy it from somewhere coz most gps done in europe is mostly europewide but the problem is the language. i think none of them sells the GX . only the GS , rx, ls and sc.

  5. sorry it may be a silly question but just want to ask if washers from gx sprays like a stream of water or sort of fans out. i noticed from newer models of cars nowadays have washers that pulsates and fans out on the on the entire glass. went to a dealer and told me that it is normal as the car uses a high concentration liquid to take cAREof bugs on the windshield.

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