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  1. I also have an 04 with navigation and have not had this problem but wonder if it's possible the name of the street is too long to show all the letters? As for the icon I have had a flag or a red cirlce show up if I accidently hit the mark button. I am just begining to figure out the ins and outs of using it and had a weird thing happen also. We had our route guidance operating and noted that the next turn was in 100 plus miles. We made a stop for lunch and did NOT suspend guidance before we stoped. When we got back in the car we noted that the route had changed and the next turn was now only 40 miles away. When I looked in detail at the route preview it had us getting off the freeway for a while and then back on. We did not change anything while at lunch but I wonder if because we did not suspend guidance when we stopped if it "confused" the system. Luckily it was a familiar route and we did not end up going miles out of our way. Does anyone have any ideas?
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