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Posts posted by Darkjester

  1. Well, put the triple treads on today-- 4 tires plus install $500.74. I had an alignment done last week at my mechanics shop so I didnt need that, but install and balance were included in above price. First thing I thought was WOW harsh ride, but then I checked the pressure-- they had them at 35psi! So I backed it down to 30, manufactureres spec is 26 but I feel a little mushy at that low, plus treadwear will suffer. But at 30 they smoothed right out. they are still a bit harsher than my friends mxv4's, but what grip! It just happend to rain all day today so I went ahead and tested them out. Not a slip. I punched it from a stand-still and it felt like a dry launch! 75mph on the freeway in the rain and it felt like i was running dry on summer tires. in a word ,Outstanding. I would have liked to done more but time would not allow, so I will fill you in. I realize they are brand new, but if they keep up like this for 30,000 miles i will call it a bargain, not to mention if they even come CLOSE to the 80,000 warranty. Again, a bit harsher than Michies-but not but much smoother than the old turanzas I was running. even when they were new, adn noise was a non issue. they may get louder as they age, but at this rate they are fantastic. well done goodyear! if they made them in a v or Z rating I may never think of another tire for this car. will keep you informed as the miles roll by-- who know's, they may turn to crap in a week. but for now i am very happy.

    thanks for all your input,


  2. Thanks lex, I thought they were only available in lower speed ratings. Now I have a whole lot more to think about. I already made an apointment with the firestone guys, but the triple treads look like what I need. I was worried about the ride and noise from them, but I will research that. I guess I can give up a bit of comfort for a better snow/slush/rain tire. Jeez, if I lived in socal or Ariz this would be so much easier. I agree that the mich and Bridgies are almost certainly a better riding tire, but we get some serious weather off the lake here. I guess I will go with the triples, considering everyone raves about them and the only reason I can see that alot of you dont have them is they were not speed rated for your size. again thank you all

  3. yeah, I thought about margin too, I was in retail for 10 years and I figured that. but then when I went around back ( a little detective work ) I saw 3 of the 5 cars in the fenced employee lot had the Firestones on them. so my forst thought is, well they cant be crap right? but then I REALLY thought about it-- if the margin is higher than the employee price is lower, so if you get your tires at cost ( and the cars were 1. a 2005 chevy 2. a '98 or '99 accord and.... wait for it.. An '85 to '89 Cutlass Calais! So I think if I had any of those type of cars-- great for what they are, but not our Lexis or Bimmers or Benzes ,etc.. plus an amazing employee price then yes. the Firestones are my tire! But I am back to the Turanzas. after all that. God. I do obsess about my car. But then again, none of us would be on this site if we didnt love our cars! Thanks a million guys! (and girls)

  4. sure does help, but now my next option, I decided to go with the Ls-H, I simply cant spend almost $200 a tire for a 9 year old car (even though I keep it running like a 2005 ) , but now my bridgestone guy is trying to tell me these new firestone afinnity h30'S? are actually a better tire. The reason I bring this up is these supposedly have a silica based compound similar to the michies, but because they are trying to redeem the Firestone name, they are less expensive than the Bridgestone Turanzas! I think I will put the Turanzas on and if I hate them try the affinity. I really wish I could try the v rated Turanzas but at that price point I should go with the michies. The only problem being I have heard nothing but bad things about the MXVs in snow and wet pavement. So in having said all that, I thank you all for your input and will continue to follow this tread, as soon as I have them on I will post to let you guys know. Thanks again for all the input.

  5. Well, thats the problem. I can get the Falkens in a V rated tire for $90 a piece, but the turanzas in a v are $170. The turanzas in the H are only $115. my question is are the Turanzas in an H worth the extra hundred odd bucks, or should I go with the V rating for less money? this is my dillemma

  6. THis topic is HUGE! But guys, flat out, I am putting tires on my 96 es300 on friday. I am right now between the Falkens (amazing price point ) and the bridgestone Ls-H ( like everything I have heard in reviews ) But I cant find which is better in rain and snow. I realize nothing will beat real snow tires but i have no garage to store anything so all season is what its got to be right now. I live in N.E. Ohio ( cleveland ) so we do get a ton of rain and a bunch of snow. I am at my wits end and any input would be helpfull. Thanks.

  7. just one last thing ( for now)... can i use the levels and right left arrows to aim my headlights or is there a better method? this is the first car I have had with actual aiming guides-- i dont know how accurate they are. last thing i want to do is blind some poor !Removed! because i trusted gauges instead of drawing lines on the garage wall lol..

  8. Just a little line about headlights, again. I need to know why, after putting silverstars in today, i only notice a small difference in light quality. I have not cleared the amber strip out of my lenses, but my question is, are the headlight covers on the '96 es 300 smoked, or are mine just really dirty? i notice a bit of light displacement right at the lens. I never really thought about Cleating my headlights, but if i can clean out the lens, then i will go ahead and pull that pesky amber strip while im at it. The thing is, the lenses look like they are actually slightly smoked compared to the lenses i see on this site. Any input is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance all. :D


  9. Thanks for all the input guys ( and girls ) i figure it is the struts, i had just never heard of them going so quick, but only 63000 in 7 yars makes me think it probobly sat a lot and was driven rather infrequently. i will have the front struts done and probobly all the bushings while i am at it, should run around $400 if that does not rectify the problem then i am in for some major work, thanks again everyone. :)

  10. Hey all, new Lexus owner here, '96 Es 300. First of all you guys are great, i got a quick question. My front end is creaking on sharp turns and the car seems to ride rather loose onthe road ( freeway especially) it also seems to hit bumps hard and recover slowly. i have 63,000 on it and the rest of the car is perfect, brand new tires last week ( bridgestone Potenzas, no cheapies here) and an alignment. it seems to get worse the more people in the car. I was thinking struts but at 63,000 i dont know. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. other than that it might be the best car i have ever owned. thank you for any info. Creaking in Cleveland, Aaron.

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