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Posts posted by SocialCritic

  1. Well, the only alternative I have is to unload a couple of hundred bucks for the printed manual, but then again, you might be the altruist that would put all this somewhere on-line for download. Would you? If so, I can provide the webspace you can upload to. And of course, I'll buy you a couple of drinks if you are in North California. :cheers:

  2. Cheers!

    According to 98 ES300 owner's manual, the following items need to be done at 60K miles:

    -Replace oil and filter

    -Replace air filter

    -Replace spark plugs

    -Replace coolant

    -Replace brake fluid

    Dealer is asking for more than $1200 for this, and they are not going to get it from me. I don't want to invest in a shop manual just for this service, so I am hoping that someone can help me with the following:

    -Which spark plugs should I replace the existing ones with?

    -What are the torque specs for the spark plugs?

    -Are there any special instructions as far as removing and replacing spark plugs? (I am used to old and simple GM V8s)

    -Is it enough so simply let the radiator drain for the coolant replacement?

    -How do I replace brake fluid?

    -Transmission fluid is not mentioned. Is it necessary to change that too?

    -Any other tips?

    Help is highly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

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