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Ryan B

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Posts posted by Ryan B

  1. Hello all, first post here. I did a search and couldn't find anyone with the same problem so I'm going to ask it here.

    I've had my 2004 LX470 since May but I only recently acquired a bluetooth phone (Motorola V3). I synched the phone to the truck and it places and receives calls wonderfully (too bad the caller ID doesn't pass through the screen though). I've had one major problem though.

    Whenever I use the phone it completely disables the Mark Levinson sound system. During a call I can understand this, but the sound system continues to be disabled after I hang up. I can't listen to music again unless I turn off the truck and start it up again.

    The audio system will turn on, but it seems like the volume knob is disconnected. I turn it and there is no volume display on the console screen.

    Is this something the dealer can fix for me or is there some setting that I am missing which controls this? I love using the Bluetooth phone and can't imagine going back to the old way! I just want to be able to listen to my ML sound system when I'm not on the phone!

    Thanks in advance for any replies.


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