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Posts posted by dznguyen98023

  1. Just had my windshield replaced yesterday at the dealer and don't notice any difference from before other than there's no crack. Dealer did an excellent job, all OEM parts, but it wasn't cheap. Does your driver's side wiper blade have that plastic wing on it? It should. Its purpose is to reduce wind noise. When replacing the windshield, the installer needs to remove the wiper arms...may have forgotten to replace the wing? It's only on the driver's side. Did the installer replace the 4 rivets on each side plus use OEM dam, stopper, and upper moulding? The LX/LC windshield is unconventional in installation method. Most third party installers don't install them properly. Those parts are one-time use items. If you didn't get it done at the dealer, chances are those parts aren't OEM and could also create more wind noise due to shape or installation.

    My windshield was replaced by Speedy Glass. My insurance paid for this replacement with orignal glass from Lexus ($1300) and I paid only the deductible ($100). I brought my car back to Speedy Glass to check for this wind noise three times and I still hear the noice and it is very annoying. What does the plastic wing look like?

  2. Could it all be psychological? :chairshot:

    I started noticing the wind noise as well once I had the front windshield replaced on my 2000 LX470.

    I only started to focus on the noise once the front windshield was replaced. Hmmmm

    I think I need to go the Lexus dealer to test drive the new LX470 to see if the wind noise existed in the new model.

  3. I had the windshiled replaced on my 98 LX470 about a month ago and I start to hear the wind noise from the windshield while driving my car at 40+MPM on free way. Brought the car to the shop to get it fix (2 times) and still have the same issue. I never noticed the wind noise before the windshield got replaced.

  4. I am sorry to say you overpaid. But, this is a great vehicle that kicks the heck out of every other SUV on the road, with the exception of the Range Rover, which it is pretty much the same as..

    PLus, your 98 looks almost identical to the '05.

    Have fun. and Keep asking questions on here. I know the vehicle very well, and somehow, am newon this site, so I am an active responder.

    I cannot find the maintenance schedules on the owner manual and I don't really know what need to be done in term of maintenance schedules. Does any one know where to get this info? Currently, I put in almost 9k miles (55k+) on my 98 lexus since I bought it last fall (October 2005).

  5. I just bought a 1998 Lexus LX470 (47,100 miles) for $24,999. The car previously owned by two onwers before (first one was a leased on and he/she put 30,000 miles on the first year. The second owner put only 17,000 miles since 1999-2005). The car in perfect condition (except two of the chrom rims got rusted). Not sure if this is a good deal or not. This is my very first lexury car and I love it. However, I don't like the gas comumption that much (14-15 miles/gal)

  6. Hello-

      I just purchased a 1998 Lexus LX470.  I believe that I got an incredible buy on the truck because I don't believe that the previous owner did his homework.  He states that the truck ran incredibly well (which I did verify with the dealership that recently did the brakes and timing belt, not to mention ALL of the scheduled maintenance).  He says that the key broke and he purchased a replacement key which would turn the ignition, but would not start the truck.  I heard that the key needs to be programmed and that is the reason that the key will not start the truck (and that is the reason that I took the risk), and that by simply programming the key, the truck should start just fine.  Please advise if this is the case and if that is something that can be done remotely so that the truck can start (thus making it easier to have it shipped from California).  I am grateful for your wisdom...please advise...Thanks a million!


    I bought one last month as well. However, the car came with one master key. I went to the locksmith to get the second key duplicated ($65) and programmed it myself and it works just like the second key. I can send you the step by step instruction to program the key, but you need to have the master key in order to program the second key.

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