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Posts posted by woestehoff

  1. I purchased my RX400H in June. It now has 6500 miles. I'm probably averaging around 28-29 MPG. In the summer, I was averaging around 30.5 MPG. Now I'm getting 27-28. In the winter, they change the fuel mixture to include MTBE. The colder weather and the MTBE does seem to negatively affect the mileage. I do use premium gas and I know that has a positive affect, probably 1-2 MPG. I don't have a lead foot and I coast whenever possible. I live in Colorado where we have mild summers so the air conditioner is not used extensively. But in the hottest time of the year when it was on most of the time, I did not notice any difference in MPG.

    Here's the really interesting thing... We took a short vacation with 3 people and the RX400H filled with luggage. We drove over multiple high altitude passes. Total miles ~640. I filled it up at the start and reset the gage. I filled it again after about 400 miles. By the time we got home, we averaged 31 MPG. On the passes I could coast downhill for 20 miles. But going up the same passes, the gas engine was used extensively for the same 20 miles. The air conditioner was rarely used on that trip.

    When I signed up for the waiting list, I was hoping for 30-35 MPG. But 29 is still a big improvement over my previous vehicles. And the performance and luxury is top notch. All in all, I'm very happy.


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