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Posts posted by UCLABB

  1. You're doing better than me. I don't get anything out of mine, not a drop. I keep meaning to check into what is wrong, but keep forgetting. I tend not to use this feature on my cars.

    Btw, each of my nozzles have three holes and the controller says "mist". Obviously I don't know whether a stream or a mist comes out of 'em.

  2. In general, extended warranties on any product is a bad idea. A big money maker for the seller. Unless, you think something bad is about to happen, I'd pass.

    Reminds me of insurance at the blackjack table- sucker bet.

  3. My last car, an Acura, had bad hood struts. Now my '99 Lexus hood struts have crapped out. I'm guessing that the hood on this car was lifted maybe twenty or thirty times in its life.

    I long for the days when hoods had those spring thingies that worked just fine for ever. Heck, I'm fine with the cheaper cars' built in rod to hold the hood up.

    Now I have to revert to to carrying a stick in the trunk. :-) I just don't think its worth the time and expense to replace the struts for so few openings of the hood.

  4. Muchas gracias, Cayo. I asked my question way back in August. It turns out my bulb is apparently loose or the wiring is loose as I am able to get it back in service with a little bang on the lens cover. I'll give your instructions a try and see if I can find the problem. Thanks again.

  5. I think I remember pivoting a section of the shield when I changed the oil- after removing a whole bunch of screws unnecessarily!

    I would pay someone to do a walk through on dealing with the left turn signal light bulb! Mine craps out from time to time and I have to bang on the plastic shield to correct it. One of these times that ain't going to cut it.

    '99 like yours.

  6. Did you check out the link I provided? It says it is a non-interfence and it shows what that means. Someone responded that it is an interference engine. I don't know where he gets his information. So, best check with someone who knows for sure.

    In any event, if it is due for a timing belt and you plan to keep the car for a while, why not get it done and not worry about getting stranded or worse?

  7. Well, on my '99 it takes twice as long because you have to unscrew 20 or so bolts and screws to get the damn splash guard out of the way!

    Dear Lexus Engineer: here's a hint, split the splash guard so that you have a small piece below the damn oil filter with a pivot and a couple of screws that would swing out of the way! How hard would it be to figure that out?

    Nevertheless, it really ought to cost about the same for any car. $100 is ridiculous; just do it yourself or go to a place with good oil and filters or take your own to them.

  8. Mine appears to have burned out. Haven't done this on a car lately; last time the car had external screws to remove the plastic cover to gain access. Not so with my '99 LS.

    So, do I have to partially remove the main headlight assembly in order to get to the signal area? Appears this is necessary, but I hate to mess up the aim.

  9. LOL, California a corn growing state? Maybe sweet corn. The reformulated fuel is now 5 or 10% ethanol. I don't think it is any problem at all except it has driven up the price of gas and accoding to experts it's really not needed to control pollution. The requirement is a pure political play by the midwest with the administration playing ball for the votes.

  10. New owner of 99 LS400 and I'm about to do my first oil change. I assume that I have to take off the shroud/panel underneath the engine to get to the filter. Anything else unusual? Filter is readily accessable?

    Perusing the messages, it seems that the recommended filter is "Toyota". Is this the "Denso" filter that I have seen or is it simply called a "Toyota" filter?

    Any suggestions for places to buy filters (other than dealer of course)?

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