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Posts posted by flitemedic

  1. I bought a 1990 ES250 for $500.00,It is fully loaded and all extras work,It has 105k on it and the body is clean for all intents and pourposes and shines up nicely. There is just one problem,it will not go into reverse and when in N it will drive forward and if I position the shifter just right between park and reverse it will pull forward, and when in D it shifts smoothly all the way through.I dropped the pan and found no outward signs of damage,the manual level seems to be in the correct position. Anyone have any ideas?The shift cable appears to be ok, i am going to pull the cover off of it and check to be sure. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks in advance...flitemedic(Toby)

  2. 1990 ES250 for $500.00,I'm the third owner(50 yrs old male). The reason I got this car so cheap is

    'It will not go into reverse", but runs great in all forward gears.

    It is loaded with all the extras of it's time(electric everything) and it all works,body is pretty darn clean for its age. I pay around $700.00 a year for this car and my full-size truck.

    It is gray in color with same interior.

    Anyone ever heard of this problem,i'm in the process of draining the fluid,shift linkage inside tranny appears to function appropriately. Are there any Idea's from you folks here? Any help would be appreciated, as I have always done my own work. Thanks in Advance

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