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Posts posted by truonsi1

  1. Thank you RX300-BV and RickyC for your inputs.The way i check my gas mileage is fill up the gas tank, zero down the meter and keep driving until the next fill up then using the miles divide by the gallons.I do this every time i fill up.Last month i drove 1000 miles to North Carolina, I checked with speed limit of 45, 55, 65, 75 miles per hour with cruise control on. The results were between 19 & 21 miles per gallon ( My 2002 4runner spec is 17/19 miles per gallon but on hightway it can get 20 miles per gallon.)May i ask if you own a RX330 or RX300? And how is it doing on the gas mileage?Please let me know.Sincerely thanks.

  2. Hello all, I just bought the RX330 2 months ago.According to the spec ,the RX330 supposed to get 20/26 miles per gallon (city/hightway).The most I can get out of my RX330 is 16 in the city and 21 on the hightway ( using cruise control ).My 2002 4runner do better than this.Is there anybody knows something about this PLEASE let me know.Thanks.

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