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Posts posted by wlo0328

  1. yea, it sounds like this is a case of what i was expecting...a cheap chinese/taiwanese knockoff. i have a lot of electronic components produced overseas, it's a pretty common practice to copy something and have it turn out very inferior in order to save some bucks.

    i'm not trying to bash jim for what he's done, but my guess would be that he pulled out an lcd from a climate control, sent it overseas to a lcd manufacturer and had them do their best to reproduce it. i highly doubt that he personally designed the replacement lcd, this is just the nature of our industry and a leading factor as to why "1 out of 10 high tech jobs will be lost to chinese/indian outsourcing in 2004"

    considering my car is about to turn 14 in march, i can't justify spending $150 for an lcd that won't blend in, especially after hearing about the poor backlight design of the lcd. i'll be curious to hear in 2 or 3 years if the replacement lcd is still functioning from the owners that bought this kit...

    I'm not sure why someone else commented on the contrast looking different from the center to the outer edges as I have also installed the LCD purchased from Jim Walker and I have no difference in contrast at all. It sounds as though he has a backlight bulb burnt out on the outer edge(s). I also had the center backlight bulb burnt out and the contrast was darker in the center until I replaced the bulb with one that Jim had sent me (at no extra charge I might add!!). The contrast on mine is even all the way across as it should be. As stated in earlier comments, the contrast is lighter, but it makes it easier to read than the original LCD. In my opionion, it's well worth the $160!! :)

  2. 90LS400Lexus, you mentioned that you also have the gold emblems on the wheel centers. Do you or anyone else know where you can get just the gold emblems for the chrome wheel centers for chrome stock wheels for a 1992 LS400? I just recently purchased the gold package (from ebay), but it did not include the wheel centers as I knew it didn't when I purchased, because I have not been able to find. Any references would be greatly appreciated.

  3. I'm about to replace the front rotors on my 92' LS400. What is a good replacement rotor (non OEM) that are good rotors (as good or better than the OEM) and without having to make any modifications. Are there any that are $300 or less for both front rotors ($150 for each rotor)? Also, would the rear rotors also need to be changed at the same time, since they are still the OEM rotors?


  4. Sorry for such a silly question, but I can't seem to get a good answer from LEXUS, but what screws are used for the license plate (rear) for 92' LS400? I bought the car used and the screws were missing. Lexus told me the wrong size, so I knew you guys would know the correct screw size.


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