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Posts posted by Pnuma

  1. My 2007 RX400h looks perfect except for all this oxidation on the roof.

    I'm probably going to sell the car within the next couple years, so I'm just looking for a cheap fix.

    MY QUESTION:  Will compound/polishing and then applying a ceramic coating help my roof?? (I already have access to everything I would need)

    Or do I HAVE to repaint? And if so, can I do it myself (with no experience). Again just looking for a fix on the cheaper side here.






  2. After a long and HOT drive into the desert, we parked and idled with the AC on. Suddenly I got a dash warning that the car was overheating and immediately turned it off.

    Checked. The coolant in the expansion tank was low. Not much, maybe a quart. 

    After the car cooled I filled it with 7 Eleven pre-dilluted coolant and CAREFULLY drove home. I noticed on the drive that the car was fluctuating between normal engine temperature to about 20% hotter and then back down to normal. 

    The car has never overheated before and it's now been a couple days / it's cooler and the car SEEMS fine. No more fluctuations on engine temperature either.


    Do I need to take the car into the shop? Is it normal for the RX400 to become a little low on coolant? Is it normal for the engine to fluctuate 20% on very hot days?

    (Also there doesn't appear to be any leaks where I park my car everyday.)

    Thank you!


  3. I have leather damage on the driver's seat of my RX400 on both the bottom and back cushions.

    Pictures shown below.

    The process of replacing just the leather seems complicated to me. I would most likely be having the job done by an auto upholstery shop. I'm uncertain how much that would end up costing, but I assume it wouldn't be cheap.

    However, I ended up finding an entire drivers seat in good shape from a salvaged RX on eBay for around $300 - $400. It's described as being in grade A condition.

    My question: Which would be the better way to go? Which is cheaper? Which is easier?




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