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Posts posted by RX400hGirl

  1. First thing in the morning when I back out of the garage, the brakes on my 400h squeak 2-3 times. Then I never hear it again until the next "cold boot". Anyone else having that problem? :wacko:

    Just realized, thanks to a little birdie, that I spelled brakes wrong in the subject line.


  2. HINT: you can quickly distinguish the rx400h from the rx330 from the front by the foglights: rx400h has 2 circular foglights, rx330 has (roughly) rectangular ones.

    I find that the grill/intake in the front bumper is the easiest way to tell that you have an RX400h. But from the rear it is very hard to tell the RX400h apart from RX330's. The only cues as far as I can tell are the badging (which is hard to see from a distance) and the taillights have horizontal instead of vertical stripes (again very hard to see from a distance.) I've been looking but still have't seen another RX400h out on the road :)

    Saw my first one driving home last Sunday. I wanted to honk and wave to my fellow 400h driver, but I figured he'd thinnk I was a freak. Was a fun moment to see another one out and about.

  3. I had aq Delphi XM  installed by the dealer for  $399 --- works great.

    That was a surprise and dissapointment for me as well. I'm using the Mi-fi with the holder sitting in the front vent. Was there any issue with your installation? I was thinking we wouldn't be able to do that with the Nav System and ML sound.

  4. I just bought my RX400h three weeks ago and have driven about 300 miles, mostly around town with some freeway driving.  I am monitoring the mileage and have not yet come up with any concrete numbers.  I am not sure I believe what the instrument panel is telling me..."average 21.4 MPG."  Although, this seems to be going up all the time. 

    One thing that is a little disappointing, I expected the car to go a little further on the electric motors before the gas engine kicks in.  For example, after driving awhile on the freeway at approximately 65 MPH and charging the batteries, I approached a traffic jam on a fairly level stretch of freeway.  The engine shuts off when I stop but i barely go 20 feet before the gas kicks back in.  I have tried gently touching the gas pedal to see if I can get it to go further but it only seems to go 10 to 20 feet before the gas engine kicks in again.  This is a little frustrating when you are in stop-and-go traffic because the gas engine is going off and on all the way down the freeway.  Is there any way to adjust this??

    Are you running Air Conditioner by any chance? I'm wondering if the engine is kicking in to power aux activity. When I'm in a traffic jam I do see the engine kick in a times, but not as often as you describe.

  5. Okay everyone...

    Here's what I got!!!

    I drove my RX400h over 1000 miles this weekend...from MD to SC and back...

    I averaged about 27.1 mpg going down as I hit traffic in DC and Northern VA...in traffic, the mileage was great as I was able to coast around on the electric...however, the gas motor did kick on when the electric battery was drained enough...this took about 1 mpg off the avg. before it shut off again...I was not using air or heavy battery drain accessories...

    When I filled up, my manual calculations showed 27.1...the computer said 27.2...

    While driving around in slower terrority with 35-50 mph limits, I averaged in low 25s...when you accelerate from stop and have to get up to speed more quickly, it does adversely affect your mileage...

    On the ride home, I was at 24.1 for the first 150 miles...don't know why...oh yeah, had air conditioning on...so, figure that takes a little over 1 mpg away...

    The rest of the trip I averaged a little over 27...got as high as 33.1 when in traffic again around Fredericksburg, VA...big accident apparently and lots of traffic...

    So, I am a converted man...I see the vehicle can do the mileage as stated and I just needed to use it a lot more...

    BTW...speeds...at 60 mph, you'll get about 28.4 mpg...65 mph you'll get around 27 mpg...at 70 mph, you'll get in mid 25s...at 75-80 mph, you'll get in upper 24s...I had over a 1000 miles to test this, so you can be sure the range is somewhere around this...


    YAY HH! I was hoping you'd start to see some good numbers :D I'm still tracking at 29-30 mpg but I think it's b/c I'm constantly in stop and go traffic :cries:

  6. I like hearing the RX400 stories in this Forum along with the 330 and 300's.  The RX400 trials and tribulations, and the successes, are part of the spirit of the RX line, I think.  My 2 cents.

    One thing that might make things really easy is to just post either in the subject line or the little description line below which model the post refers to. I've noticed several folks doing that and it's helpful if you are looking for specific information rather than just browsing.

    I would vote for keeping it one forum if the 300/330 owners don't mind having us around.

  7. Last week I had decided not to accept the RX400 I ordered over a year ago, because I love my current RX330 so much.  The dealership crunched some numbers and ended up giving me far more in trade in for my RX330 than I ever would have dreamed.  I know what I could have sold if for, and they gave me more.  Of course I'm paying MSRP, but I think most people are.  Am I right?  Just hoping I don't have buyers remorse.

    The dealer is bringing it it my house, because I can't leave right now.  It should be here in about an hour.  I'll post some pics tomorrow.

    Yep we payed MSRP. I suspect that if you do change your mind and decide the car isn't right for you the dealership should be able to work with you on a return. Probably the biggest concerns/issues most owners have discusssed are:

    1. MPG being true to promise - it seems to really vary from driver to driver

    2. The brushed metal instead of wood interior

    Which means you should technically love it as much as your 330 :) I hope either way that your dealer takes good care of you.

  8. Hello, I just came across this forum recently and decided to post some questions if anyone wants to help a newbie out...

    From our place on the waitlist he promised us a delivery date by this summer, maybe July.  I don't mind the wait, but I had a question (since there was hardly any literature available yet).  Does anyone know what the options/package list looks like for the RX400h?  The salesguy told us that the ONLY option is the RSES (DVD player).  Could this be true?  Only one option?  I just want to make sure that we don't miss out on anything important.  I know the Navigation is standard (a must!) and I think the rear backup camera also... is Homelink included?  Is there no "upgrade" to the stereo?  It just seems strange to only have ONE option available.

    BTW, does anybody have the factory DVD system?  Do you like it?  He tried to talk us into the dealer installed "headrest" DVD screens, but they are a little too "Pimp My Ride" for my taste.  I prefer the idea of a factory installed system anyway.  Does the flip-down screen interfere with the rear view mirror?

    Also has anybody gotten any break in pricing?  Did you have to pay a premium?  He offered use straight sticker price, which seems reasonable, correct?  I trust this guy pretty much, we bought an '02 LS430 from him, and he was referred by a friend of the family.

    So far I told him that we sill go with Millenium Silver w/RSES.  I can't wait!    :)

    Thre is some great info on the Lexus website where I'm sure you've been, and yes it is correct there are only 2 additional options for the 400h (and you can only choose one):

    1. Mark Levinson sound system & Heated Seats


    2. Read DVD Ent & Heated Seats

    We went with the ML sound system and it is quite nice! I'm not an audiophile, but I do think it's a great sound system.

    We payed sticker as well, so it sounds like everything is on the up and up with your dealer.

    Congrats on your good fortune in getting one so soon!

  9. I suspect it has something to with my asking if rx400hgirl was/is truly blond.

    I'm actually a red-head but I definitely have blonde moments. My husband pointed out to me that indeed the most accurate mgp is going to be your total consumption not just per trip. That said, I was just encouraging the original poster to at least do some trip checks to see if he ever sees the 27/31 mpg promised before returning the car.

    I think we are all learning are way with this, and I can tell you I'm no expert :blushing:

    I also should point out that I live in the #3 worst city for traffic in the U.S. so my good fortune is also my greatest grief. :cries:

  10. Congrats - I have not seen ANY RX400H's on the road (behind me, side, or in front of me).

    If/when I do see one, am I supposed to get out of the way?  Or salute?  Or just smile and think about getting one years, many many years from now?

    Speaking of this I have a funny story, I was driving home from work when my cell phone rang. I answered it (via the steering wheel - yay for bluetooth!) and my friend called to tell me he could see a 400h in front of him on the interstate and that I had a friend out there! Of course we both started laughing a few minutes later when he passed me and we realized it was my car he was seeing!

    I have yet to see anothing one, but I will definitely give a happy wave when I do!

  11. Last Friday as I returned home from the gym, I was asked if I would run up the street to pick up my son at his friend's house. "Sure", I said. "This will give me a chance to drive the 400h after not driving it for a week."

    What should've taken a few minutes stretched into 20 minutes, since the dad had just arrived home and wanted to check out the new car....but that's another story....

    As I was driving home, I heard a tapping noise coming from under the dash. "Dang!", I uttered, hoping this wouldn't warrant a trip to the dealership after only one week! The next day, the whole family went out to lunch and on the way....you guessed it, the tapping noise surfaced.

    "You know", I exclaimed, "I was getting to love this vehicle, now THIS."

    "Well, you might want to try doing THIS", the wife said as she casually reached over and popped the sunvisor into its "catch". "How could that solve anything?", I said, pointing to the dash. "That's where the sound came from."

      "Just listen." she replied and we drove on. I figured that I'd purposely drive over rough pavement to challenge her solution. "Did you know that SW on the forum doesn't believe that my C5 rides as well as this SUV?" I asked. Before she could answer, we were driving over some rippled pavement and you know what?

      The tapping noise never was heard from again!

    Word to the wise? Don't forget to fasten your visor!!!

    PS I was able to blame this occurence on the wife since she's the one who forgot to latch the visor.  :chairshot:

    Very cute story! Let's hear it for all the wives out there :cheers:

  12. My MPG numbers are so far disappointing.  I have 600 miles on the 400h and I am very easy on the gas and don't run the climate system unless absolutely necessary.  I am also NOT experiencing the inverse city/highway mpg returns.  As Rx400hGirl suggested, yesterday I reset the mpg calculator, and much to my surprise, I got 19.3 in the city and later in the day I got on the highway and the mpg increased.  Buy the end of the day, the mpg had gone back up to 24.5.  I will give it more time, but my numbers are no where close to what Rx400hGirl is seeing.  I am jealous. It will be back to the Dealer after I put on more miles if this continues.

    Don't be too jealous I sit in A LOT of stop and go traffic which drives me nuts. :cries: That was my main reason to go for a Hybrid, but since I also Ski and do a lot of traveling, the smaller sedans didn't appeal to me.

  13. This may sound silly, but I might buy a foam pad and attach it to the garage door right where the top of the RX door would touch. Then I would manually open and gently raise the lid until it touches.

    If I do that, I'll take pics and post em for you to see.

  14. :cheers: Congrats! I spent the first night reading all the manuals (my husband was completely annoyed :P ) and it was definitely a good move.

    I agree with you about the brushed metal look on the inside, I prefer it to the wood. Seems to be more in line with the overall feel of this version.

    Happy driving!

  15. I've driven mine for 11 days and my avg mpg is 30. I get anywhere between 25 and 33 mpg depending on the ratio between city and interstate driving.

    One thing you might want to do is go to the Consumption screen (you can get there by clicking Consumption on the Energy screen) - and reset the counter for each trip. I had not been resetting and so I saw 20-24 mpg the first couple of days and it freaked me out. Then I started monitoring for each trip and I've been nothing but pleased.

    If you don't see btwn 27-30 at some point, then you should definitely get in touch with your dealer because it may be a specific issue with yours.

    If anyone wants me to take pics of my screens just to show the different range of mpg I'm getting each day, I'd be happy to take some.

    Take care and hang in there!

  16. After 10 days and lots of driving I finally pulled into the gas station this morning to fill up the tank. I had driven exactly 400 miles since it was first filled up, and was expecting to pay about $47 to fill up the 17 gal tank. What suprised me was it stopped at $37 and I only needed 13 gallons of gas! So if you do the math, I averaged 30 mpg for my first tank.

    At that point I needed no further reason to feel good about my purchase. The last time I was at the pump was in my 2001 BMW 330 Ci Convertible and it cost me almost $45 to fill up the 15 gallon tank. Granted it's only a few dollars savings here and there, but it still rocks in my book.

    Anyway, just wanted to share.

  17. Hey folks, you shouldn't adjust your driving style to fit the car, who's driving who here ? Just drive the way you normally drive and enjoy whatever extra the technology gives you, for some people it may be the "neck snapping" torque, while for some it may be that little extra mpg, and still for others it may just satisfy their urge to have the latest and greatest.

    Drove home tonight from work, and got 36.3 MPG!! Wahoo! I'm in love with this car :D

  18. It's in the garage looking absolutely beautiful! The drive home was a blast, and I can't wait to take her out for a longer ride tomorrow.

    I agree that the Light grey interior looks really nice - it also makes the inside seem very roomy.

    We posted pics over here:



    Dear RX400h:

    By now, you should probably have your car. Some observations nonetheless:

    a) Personally, I think the Light grey interior matches extremely well with the exterior (millenium silver) as well as the dark charcoal / black covered dash and the brushed steel electronics

    B) Will it fade? Absolutely. My guess is that the light grey interior can only get DARKER after some use. That's expected with any light colored interior I guess.

    Congratulations on getting the vehicle - we are not looking back whatsoever (of course, until they come out with the GX000h :). Now, the hunt for a nice license plate frame begins! (the only one that Lexus had was an "RX400h" plate, which was $49 for each side!!!)



    Congratulations on your new baby - she is beautiful!!  My husband and I are picking ours up tomorrow morning (I'm up reading the forums because I'm too excited to sleep!), and I'm curious to see how the brushed steel will look with a light grey interior.  Do you have any thoughts?  Does it look nice or does it fade a bit?

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